Thanaraklee / Exploring-and-Analyzing-Data-in-Oracle-Database

This project focuses on data analysis using SQL with Oracle Database 21c. It aims to familiarize with data management and data analysis using SQL commands and Oracle Database 21c.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



The series of SQL Analysis

What is this project ? This project focuses on data analysis and software familiarization using SQL on Oracle Database 21c.

Why did you do it ? This project is designed to develop skills in data management and data analysis using SQL and Oracle Database 21c.

What are the gains from doing this project ? Gain a strong knowledge and understanding of data management and data analysis using SQL on Oracle Database 21c. The knowledge gained can also be applied to problem solving and business decision making. It also develops skills in using SQL Developer and connecting to popular Oracle databases in business and industry.

Below are the key steps involved in the project:

Download and Install ( Choose according to the OS used )

  • Download Oracle Database 21c from the official Oracle website for SQL data analysis.
  • Download SQL Developer for working with Oracle databases.


  • Set up an Oracle Database username and password.

Connect to the Oracle Database

  • Connect to the Oracle Database using SQL Developer.

Data Analysis

  • List employees and departments based on specific conditions using SQL commands.
  • Display records in an ordered manner while handling NULL values.
  • Select records based on patterns such as Wildcard and Operators using Data Manipulation Commands (DML) like Add, Update, and Delete for data analysis.
  • Take a backup of the table during migration and use the COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands.
  • List distinct records and rename columns for better analysis.
  • Finally, create a comprehensive list of employee details based on complex nested conditions.




This project focuses on data analysis using SQL with Oracle Database 21c. It aims to familiarize with data management and data analysis using SQL commands and Oracle Database 21c.