ThaddeusT / JavaTechnicalEvaluation

Java Technical Evaluaiton for Thaddeus Tuck

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This exercise is designed as a general evaluation of an applicant's experience with Java and building/consuming webservices. In this project you will be writing two deliverables for a small book store.

Deliverable #1:

  • Using the services provided, write a RESTful service to calculate the total quantities and valuation of the book store's inventory. (You'll use this service in the second deliverable)
    • Invoke the inventory RESTful service to get the list of items and quantities.
    • Invoke the book RESTful service to get the list of books and prices.
    • Results should contain quantities and values per upc, in addition to a total inventory valuation as JSON
    • JAR files for each service are provided and may be ran with java -jar <filename> --server.port={server-port}
    • Documentation for each service is provided by Swagger (http://localhost:{server-port}/swagger-ui.html#/)

Deliverable #2:

  • Write a command line application that can process a given list of sales from consumers and shipments from suppliers.
    • Post sales and shipment quantity adjustments to the inventory service.
      • Sales should decrease the available inventory
      • Shipments will increase the available inventory
    • Track total sales per item, and total sales across all items using data provided by the book service.
    • Retrieve financial inventory data from the service you wrote. (see deliverable #1)
    • Output the starting inventory amounts/valuation, total daily sales, and final inventory amounts/valuation to a results.txt file.
      • Total inventory valuation is the sum of all valuations for each upc (and a upc's valuation is its quantity multiplied by its selling price point)
    • Sales and shipments will be provided via flat file representing a single day (eg 2019-12-01.txt will represent the shipments and sales for December 1st 2019), as an argument to the program (see block below for example)
    # SALE|{upc}|{qty}
    # SHIPMENT|{upc}|{qty}

Technical Requirements:

  • Deliverables are to be coded with Java 8
  • Showcase your best practices in Java
  • Demonstrate the ability to use JUnit 5 for unit and component tests.
  • Demonstrate the ability to generate JaCoCo code coverage reports.
  • Adhere to Google code style for Java (see


Java Technical Evaluaiton for Thaddeus Tuck


Language:HTML 63.1%Language:JavaScript 26.2%Language:Java 8.9%Language:CSS 1.8%