ThaaoBlues / github_api

A python package that helps you use the github http api to get specific stats/informations and even download files in only one or two lines. Also include some OSINT functions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Package github_http_api

  • available on pypi

  • install it by typing python -m pip install github-http-api

  • example of use available in the file

Expand source code
from requests import get
from typing import List
from base64 import b64decode

class GithubHTTPApi():

    def __init__(self):
        self.ac_username = ""
        self.ac_password = ""

        #best api endpoints 
        self.base_repos_url = ""
        self.base_user_url = ""
        self.base_raw_url = ""

    def login():

    #private methods :

    def __is_json_key(self,json:dict,key:str) -> bool:
            return True
            return False

    #public methods :

    def get_last_event_date(self,username:str)->str:
        Basically just get the last event that an user made and return the date.
        May be usefull to determine if an user is active or not.

        :returns: a string containing the date

        :raises UnknownUserException: 


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        return get(self.base_user_url+username+"/events").json()[0]['created_at']

    def try_determine_email(self,username:str,events_number:int=10)->List[str]:

        tries to gather user email address by events api endpoint, it may be very usefull if the user didn't put it as personnal information and for OSINT people ;)

        :param username: the username (str)

        :returns: A list of potential email addresses (List[str])

        :raises UserNotFoundException:


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        json = get(self.base_user_url+username+"/events").json()[:events_number]

        emails = []
        for event in json:
            if self.__is_json_key(event['payload'],'commits'):
                for commit in event['payload']['commits']:

        return list(set(emails))

    def user_exists(self,username:str)->bool:


        :param username: the username

        :returns: a boolean


        #check if user exists
        if self.__is_json_key(get(self.base_user_url+username).json(),"message"):
            return False
            return True

    def get_user_repos(self,username:str)-> list:

        list the publics repositories of the specified user

        :raises: UserNotFoundException if user is not found

        :returns: A list of dict containing repository 'repo_name' and 'repo_url' of user public repositories 


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        json = get(f"{self.base_user_url}{username}/repos").json()
        repos_names = [repo['full_name'] for repo in json]
        repos_urls = [repo['html_url'] for repo in json]

        ret = []
        for i in range(len(repos_names)):

        return ret

    def repo_exists(self,repository_full_name:str) -> bool:

        :return: True if the repo exists False if not


        if self.__is_json_key(get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json(),'message'):
            return False

            return True

    def get_release_download_count(self,repository_full_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> List[tuple]:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :returns: the release download count by assets (list of tuples ('asset_name',downloads_count) (from the lastest release by default) 

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:


        #get http response content
        json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

        #takes care of exceptions
        if json == []:
            raise NoReleaseException

        elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        elif release_number > len(json):
            raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

        release_json = json[release_number]
        assets = release_json['assets']

        return [(asset['name'],asset['download_count']) for asset in assets]

    def get_release_infos(self,repository_full_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> List[dict]:


        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :returns: a dict of all the release stats that may be boring but quite usefull sometimes

            - creation_date : when the release has been created (str)

            - release_date : when the release has been..released :) (str)

            - released_by : author of the release (github login) (str)

            - version : tag name of the release (ofter the version) (str)

            - title : title of the release (str)

            - desc : description of the release (str)

            - assets : assets files names (list of str)

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:


        #get http response content
        json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

        #takes care of exceptions
        if json == []:
            raise NoReleaseException
        elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException
        elif release_number > len(json):
            raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

        #now that we are sure no errors are coming, get the right release
        json = json[release_number]

        return {'title':json['name'],'version':json['tag_name'],'desc':json['body'],"creation_date":json['created_at'],"release_date":json['published_at'],"released_by":json['author']['login'],"assets":[asset[0] for asset in self.get_release_download_count(repository_full_name,release_number=release_number)]}

    def get_raw_file_content(self,repository_full_name:str,file_name:str) -> str:
        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param file_name: the file which you wanna get the raw content

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises UnknownFileException:

        :returns: a string containing the raw file content

        if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        content = get(f"{self.base_raw_url}{repository_full_name}/master/{file_name}").text

        if content == "404: Not Found":
            raise UnknownFileException

        return content

    def get_release_asset_download_link(self,repository_full_name:str,asset_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> str:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param asset_name: the release asset file name 

        :param release_number:  (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :returns: a string containing the release asset's download url

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:

        :raises UnknownAssetException:

        #get http response content
        json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

        #takes care of exceptions
        if json == []:
            raise NoReleaseException

        elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        elif release_number > len(json):
            raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

        json = json[release_number]

        for asset in json['assets']:
            if asset['name'] == asset_name:
                return asset['browser_download_url']

        raise UnknownAssetException

    def download_release_asset(self,repository_full_name:str,asset_name:str,release_number:int=0,output_path:str=""):

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param asset_name: the release asset file name

        :param release_number:  (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :param output_path: (default is cwd), the path where the asset will be stored after download. 

        :returns: nothing

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:

        :raises UnknownAssetException:

        url = self.get_release_asset_download_link(repository_full_name,asset_name,release_number=release_number)

        with open(f"{output_path}/{asset_name}" if output_path != "" else asset_name,"wb") as f:

    def get_repo_license(self,repository_full_name:str)->dict:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :returns: {'url':str,'name':str,'content':str,'type':str}:

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:


        if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        json = get(self.base_repos_url+repository_full_name+"/license").json()

        return {"url":json['html_url'],"name":json['name'],"content":b64decode(json['content']),"type":json['type']}

    def get_repo_issues(self,repository_full_name:str)->List[dict]:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :returns: a list of dictionnary (1 by issue) containing:

            - author : the issue's author username (str)

            - created_at : the date/time when the author created the issue (str)

            - updated_at : the date/time when the author modified the issue (str)

            - title : the issue title (str)

            - body : the issue's content (str)

            - state : "open" or "closed"

            - url : the url to open the issue on a web browser (str)

            - labels : the issue labels List[str]

            - comments_number : the number of comments under the issue (int)

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:


        if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        json = get(self.base_repos_url+repository_full_name+"/issues").json()

        issues = []
        for ele in json:
            issues.append({"author":ele['user']['login'],"created_at":ele['created_at'],"updated_at":ele['updated_at'],"title":ele['title'],"body":ele['body'],"state":ele['state'],   "url":ele["url"],"labels":ele['labels'],"comments_number":ele['comments']})

        return issues

    def get_user_infos(self,username:str) -> dict:

        get additionnal informations on a user like

        - id (str)

        - bio (str)

        - name (str)

        - twitter_account (null if not) (str)

        - followers (list of usernames)

        - following (list of usernames)

        - starred_repos (list of urls)

        - blog_url (null if not) (str)

        - is_hireable (null if not specified) (bool)

        - email (null if not specified) (str)

        - user_location (null if not specified) (str)

        - user_type (str)

        - avatar_url (str)

        - company (str)

        - creation_date (str)

        - url (str)

        - organizations (List[dict{'login','url'}])

        :raises UserNotFoundException if user is not found:

        :returns: A dict with the upper specified keys


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        #getting basic infos
        json = get(self.base_user_url+username).json()

        #getting infos from special urls
        followers = get(json['followers_url']).json()

        following = get(str(json['following_url']).replace("{/other_user}","",1)).json()

        starred_repos = [repo['html_url'] for repo in get(json['starred_url'].replace("{/owner}{/repo}","",1)).json()]

        organizations = [{"login":org['login'],"url":org["url"]} for org in get(json['organizations_url']).json()]

        return {"id": json['id'],"bio":json['bio'],"name":json['name'],"twitter_account":json['twitter_username'],"followers" : [f['login'] for f in followers], "following":[f['login'] for f in following],"starred_repos": starred_repos,"blog_url":json['blog'],"is_hireable":json['hireable'],"email":json['email'],"user_location":json['location'],"user_type":json['type'],"avatar_url":json['avatar_url'],"company":json['company'],"creation_date":json['created_at'],"url":json['url'],"organizations":organizations}

class UserNotFoundException(Exception):
    Exception raised if an username don't exists.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="Username not found on github."):
        self.message = message

class InvalidRepoNameException(Exception):
    Exception raised if a repository name does not exists or is malformed

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="Invalid repository name. It must look like : thaaoblues/github_api"):
        self.message = message

class InvalidReleaseIndexException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you decided to pass a certain release index to get stats not on the lastest but this index does not exists.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="Invalid release index. The user must not have released that amount of versions"):
        self.message = message

class NoReleaseException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you wanted to get stats from a release but the repo does not have any.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="No release found. The user must not have released anything."):
        self.message = message

class UnknownAssetException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you wanted to get download url for a specific release's asset but no assets has this name.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="No release's assets found with this name."):
        self.message = message

class UnknownFileException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you wanted to get raw content for a specific file but the file does not exists.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="No file found with this name."):
        self.message = message


`class GithubHTTPApi`
Expand source code
class GithubHTTPApi():

    def __init__(self):
        self.ac_username = ""
        self.ac_password = ""

        #best api endpoints 
        self.base_repos_url = ""
        self.base_user_url = ""
        self.base_raw_url = ""

    def login():

    #private methods :

    def __is_json_key(self,json:dict,key:str) -> bool:
            return True
            return False

    #public methods :

    def get_last_event_date(self,username:str)->str:
        Basically just get the last event that an user made and return the date.
        May be usefull to determine if an user is active or not.

        :returns: a string containing the date

        :raises UnknownUserException: 


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        return get(self.base_user_url+username+"/events").json()[0]['created_at']

    def try_determine_email(self,username:str,events_number:int=10)->List[str]:

        tries to gather user email address by events api endpoint, it may be very usefull if the user didn't put it as personnal information and for OSINT people ;)

        :param username: the username (str)

        :returns: A list of potential email addresses (List[str])

        :raises UserNotFoundException:


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        json = get(self.base_user_url+username+"/events").json()[:events_number]

        emails = []
        for event in json:
            if self.__is_json_key(event['payload'],'commits'):
                for commit in event['payload']['commits']:

        return list(set(emails))

    def user_exists(self,username:str)->bool:


        :param username: the username

        :returns: a boolean


        #check if user exists
        if self.__is_json_key(get(self.base_user_url+username).json(),"message"):
            return False
            return True

    def get_user_repos(self,username:str)-> list:

        list the publics repositories of the specified user

        :raises: UserNotFoundException if user is not found

        :returns: A list of dict containing repository 'repo_name' and 'repo_url' of user public repositories 


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        json = get(f"{self.base_user_url}{username}/repos").json()
        repos_names = [repo['full_name'] for repo in json]
        repos_urls = [repo['html_url'] for repo in json]

        ret = []
        for i in range(len(repos_names)):

        return ret

    def repo_exists(self,repository_full_name:str) -> bool:

        :return: True if the repo exists False if not


        if self.__is_json_key(get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json(),'message'):
            return False

            return True

    def get_release_download_count(self,repository_full_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> List[tuple]:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :returns: the release download count by assets (list of tuples ('asset_name',downloads_count) (from the lastest release by default) 

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:


        #get http response content
        json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

        #takes care of exceptions
        if json == []:
            raise NoReleaseException

        elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        elif release_number > len(json):
            raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

        release_json = json[release_number]
        assets = release_json['assets']

        return [(asset['name'],asset['download_count']) for asset in assets]

    def get_release_infos(self,repository_full_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> List[dict]:


        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :returns: a dict of all the release stats that may be boring but quite usefull sometimes

            - creation_date : when the release has been created (str)

            - release_date : when the release has been..released :) (str)

            - released_by : author of the release (github login) (str)

            - version : tag name of the release (ofter the version) (str)

            - title : title of the release (str)

            - desc : description of the release (str)

            - assets : assets files names (list of str)

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:


        #get http response content
        json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

        #takes care of exceptions
        if json == []:
            raise NoReleaseException
        elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException
        elif release_number > len(json):
            raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

        #now that we are sure no errors are coming, get the right release
        json = json[release_number]

        return {'title':json['name'],'version':json['tag_name'],'desc':json['body'],"creation_date":json['created_at'],"release_date":json['published_at'],"released_by":json['author']['login'],"assets":[asset[0] for asset in self.get_release_download_count(repository_full_name,release_number=release_number)]}

    def get_raw_file_content(self,repository_full_name:str,file_name:str) -> str:
        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param file_name: the file which you wanna get the raw content

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises UnknownFileException:

        :returns: a string containing the raw file content

        if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        content = get(f"{self.base_raw_url}{repository_full_name}/master/{file_name}").text

        if content == "404: Not Found":
            raise UnknownFileException

        return content

    def get_release_asset_download_link(self,repository_full_name:str,asset_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> str:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param asset_name: the release asset file name 

        :param release_number:  (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :returns: a string containing the release asset's download url

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:

        :raises UnknownAssetException:

        #get http response content
        json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

        #takes care of exceptions
        if json == []:
            raise NoReleaseException

        elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        elif release_number > len(json):
            raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

        json = json[release_number]

        for asset in json['assets']:
            if asset['name'] == asset_name:
                return asset['browser_download_url']

        raise UnknownAssetException

    def download_release_asset(self,repository_full_name:str,asset_name:str,release_number:int=0,output_path:str=""):

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :param asset_name: the release asset file name

        :param release_number:  (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
        will be an old one.

        :param output_path: (default is cwd), the path where the asset will be stored after download. 

        :returns: nothing

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

        :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

        :raises NoReleaseException:

        :raises UnknownAssetException:

        url = self.get_release_asset_download_link(repository_full_name,asset_name,release_number=release_number)

        with open(f"{output_path}/{asset_name}" if output_path != "" else asset_name,"wb") as f:

    def get_repo_license(self,repository_full_name:str)->dict:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :returns: {'url':str,'name':str,'content':str,'type':str}:

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:


        if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        json = get(self.base_repos_url+repository_full_name+"/license").json()

        return {"url":json['html_url'],"name":json['name'],"content":b64decode(json['content']),"type":json['type']}

    def get_repo_issues(self,repository_full_name:str)->List[dict]:

        :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

        :returns: a list of dictionnary (1 by issue) containing:

            - author : the issue's author username (str)

            - created_at : the date/time when the author created the issue (str)

            - updated_at : the date/time when the author modified the issue (str)

            - title : the issue title (str)

            - body : the issue's content (str)

            - state : "open" or "closed"

            - url : the url to open the issue on a web browser (str)

            - labels : the issue labels List[str]

            - comments_number : the number of comments under the issue (int)

        :raises InvalidRepoNameException:


        if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
            raise InvalidRepoNameException

        json = get(self.base_repos_url+repository_full_name+"/issues").json()

        issues = []
        for ele in json:
            issues.append({"author":ele['user']['login'],"created_at":ele['created_at'],"updated_at":ele['updated_at'],"title":ele['title'],"body":ele['body'],"state":ele['state'],   "url":ele["url"],"labels":ele['labels'],"comments_number":ele['comments']})

        return issues

    def get_user_infos(self,username:str) -> dict:

        get additionnal informations on a user like

        - id (str)

        - bio (str)

        - name (str)

        - twitter_account (null if not) (str)

        - followers (list of usernames)

        - following (list of usernames)

        - starred_repos (list of urls)

        - blog_url (null if not) (str)

        - is_hireable (null if not specified) (bool)

        - email (null if not specified) (str)

        - user_location (null if not specified) (str)

        - user_type (str)

        - avatar_url (str)

        - company (str)

        - creation_date (str)

        - url (str)

        - organizations (List[dict{'login','url'}])

        :raises UserNotFoundException if user is not found:

        :returns: A dict with the upper specified keys


        if not self.user_exists(username):
            raise UserNotFoundException

        #getting basic infos
        json = get(self.base_user_url+username).json()

        #getting infos from special urls
        followers = get(json['followers_url']).json()

        following = get(str(json['following_url']).replace("{/other_user}","",1)).json()

        starred_repos = [repo['html_url'] for repo in get(json['starred_url'].replace("{/owner}{/repo}","",1)).json()]

        organizations = [{"login":org['login'],"url":org["url"]} for org in get(json['organizations_url']).json()]

        return {"id": json['id'],"bio":json['bio'],"name":json['name'],"twitter_account":json['twitter_username'],"followers" : [f['login'] for f in followers], "following":[f['login'] for f in following],"starred_repos": starred_repos,"blog_url":json['blog'],"is_hireable":json['hireable'],"email":json['email'],"user_location":json['location'],"user_type":json['type'],"avatar_url":json['avatar_url'],"company":json['company'],"creation_date":json['created_at'],"url":json['url'],"organizations":organizations}


`def download_release_asset(self, repository_full_name: str, asset_name: str, release_number: int = 0, output_path: str = '')`

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:param asset_name: the release asset file name

:param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release will be an old one.

:param output_path: (default is cwd), the path where the asset will be stored after download.

:returns: nothing

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

:raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

:raises NoReleaseException:

:raises UnknownAssetException:

Expand source code
def download_release_asset(self,repository_full_name:str,asset_name:str,release_number:int=0,output_path:str=""):

    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :param asset_name: the release asset file name

    :param release_number:  (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
    will be an old one.

    :param output_path: (default is cwd), the path where the asset will be stored after download. 

    :returns: nothing

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

    :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

    :raises NoReleaseException:

    :raises UnknownAssetException:

    url = self.get_release_asset_download_link(repository_full_name,asset_name,release_number=release_number)

    with open(f"{output_path}/{asset_name}" if output_path != "" else asset_name,"wb") as f:
`def get_last_event_date(self, username: str) ‑> str`

Basically just get the last event that an user made and return the date. May be usefull to determine if an user is active or not.

:returns: a string containing the date

:raises UnknownUserException:

Expand source code
def get_last_event_date(self,username:str)->str:
    Basically just get the last event that an user made and return the date.
    May be usefull to determine if an user is active or not.

    :returns: a string containing the date

    :raises UnknownUserException: 


    if not self.user_exists(username):
        raise UserNotFoundException

    return get(self.base_user_url+username+"/events").json()[0]['created_at']
`def get_raw_file_content(self, repository_full_name: str, file_name: str) ‑> str`

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:param file_name: the file which you wanna get the raw content

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

:raises UnknownFileException:

:returns: a string containing the raw file content

Expand source code
def get_raw_file_content(self,repository_full_name:str,file_name:str) -> str:
    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :param file_name: the file which you wanna get the raw content

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

    :raises UnknownFileException:

    :returns: a string containing the raw file content

    if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
        raise InvalidRepoNameException

    content = get(f"{self.base_raw_url}{repository_full_name}/master/{file_name}").text

    if content == "404: Not Found":
        raise UnknownFileException

    return content

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:param asset_name: the release asset file name

:param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release will be an old one.

:returns: a string containing the release asset's download url

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

:raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

:raises NoReleaseException:

:raises UnknownAssetException:

Expand source code
def get_release_asset_download_link(self,repository_full_name:str,asset_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> str:

    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :param asset_name: the release asset file name 

    :param release_number:  (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
    will be an old one.

    :returns: a string containing the release asset's download url

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

    :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

    :raises NoReleaseException:

    :raises UnknownAssetException:

    #get http response content
    json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

    #takes care of exceptions
    if json == []:
        raise NoReleaseException

    elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
        raise InvalidRepoNameException

    elif release_number > len(json):
        raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

    json = json[release_number]

    for asset in json['assets']:
        if asset['name'] == asset_name:
            return asset['browser_download_url']

    raise UnknownAssetException
`def get_release_download_count(self, repository_full_name: str, release_number: int = 0) ‑> List[tuple]`

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release will be an old one.

:returns: the release download count by assets (list of tuples ('asset_name',downloads_count) (from the lastest release by default)

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

:raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

:raises NoReleaseException:

Expand source code
def get_release_download_count(self,repository_full_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> List[tuple]:

    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
    will be an old one.

    :returns: the release download count by assets (list of tuples ('asset_name',downloads_count) (from the lastest release by default) 

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

    :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

    :raises NoReleaseException:


    #get http response content
    json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

    #takes care of exceptions
    if json == []:
        raise NoReleaseException

    elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
        raise InvalidRepoNameException

    elif release_number > len(json):
        raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

    release_json = json[release_number]
    assets = release_json['assets']

    return [(asset['name'],asset['download_count']) for asset in assets]
`def get_release_infos(self, repository_full_name: str, release_number: int = 0) ‑> List[dict]`

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release will be an old one.

:returns: a dict of all the release stats that may be boring but quite usefull sometimes

- creation_date : when the release has been created (str)

- release_date : when the release has been..released :) (str)

- released_by : author of the release (github login) (str)

- version : tag name of the release (ofter the version) (str)

- title : title of the release (str)

- desc : description of the release (str)

- assets : assets files names (list of str)

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

:raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

:raises NoReleaseException:

Expand source code
def get_release_infos(self,repository_full_name:str,release_number:int=0) -> List[dict]:


    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :param release_number: (default is 0), the more you increase it, the more the release 
    will be an old one.

    :returns: a dict of all the release stats that may be boring but quite usefull sometimes

        - creation_date : when the release has been created (str)

        - release_date : when the release has been..released :) (str)

        - released_by : author of the release (github login) (str)

        - version : tag name of the release (ofter the version) (str)

        - title : title of the release (str)

        - desc : description of the release (str)

        - assets : assets files names (list of str)

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:

    :raises InvalidReleaseIndexException:

    :raises NoReleaseException:


    #get http response content
    json = get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json()

    #takes care of exceptions
    if json == []:
        raise NoReleaseException
    elif not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
        raise InvalidRepoNameException
    elif release_number > len(json):
        raise InvalidReleaseIndexException

    #now that we are sure no errors are coming, get the right release
    json = json[release_number]

    return {'title':json['name'],'version':json['tag_name'],'desc':json['body'],"creation_date":json['created_at'],"release_date":json['published_at'],"released_by":json['author']['login'],"assets":[asset[0] for asset in self.get_release_download_count(repository_full_name,release_number=release_number)]}
`def get_repo_issues(self, repository_full_name: str) ‑> List[dict]`

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:returns: a list of dictionnary (1 by issue) containing:

- author : the issue's author username (str)

- created_at : the date/time when the author created the issue (str)

- updated_at : the date/time when the author modified the issue (str)

- title : the issue title (str)

- body : the issue's content (str)

- state : "open" or "closed"

- url : the url to open the issue on a web browser (str)

- labels : the issue labels List[str]

- comments_number : the number of comments under the issue (int)

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

Expand source code
def get_repo_issues(self,repository_full_name:str)->List[dict]:

    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :returns: a list of dictionnary (1 by issue) containing:

        - author : the issue's author username (str)

        - created_at : the date/time when the author created the issue (str)

        - updated_at : the date/time when the author modified the issue (str)

        - title : the issue title (str)

        - body : the issue's content (str)

        - state : "open" or "closed"

        - url : the url to open the issue on a web browser (str)

        - labels : the issue labels List[str]

        - comments_number : the number of comments under the issue (int)

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:


    if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
        raise InvalidRepoNameException

    json = get(self.base_repos_url+repository_full_name+"/issues").json()

    issues = []
    for ele in json:
        issues.append({"author":ele['user']['login'],"created_at":ele['created_at'],"updated_at":ele['updated_at'],"title":ele['title'],"body":ele['body'],"state":ele['state'],   "url":ele["url"],"labels":ele['labels'],"comments_number":ele['comments']})

    return issues
`def get_repo_license(self, repository_full_name: str) ‑> dict`

:param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

:returns: {'url':str,'name':str,'content':str,'type':str}:

:raises InvalidRepoNameException:

Expand source code
def get_repo_license(self,repository_full_name:str)->dict:

    :param repository_full_name: the repository full name like thaaoblues/github_api

    :returns: {'url':str,'name':str,'content':str,'type':str}:

    :raises InvalidRepoNameException:


    if not self.repo_exists(repository_full_name):
        raise InvalidRepoNameException

    json = get(self.base_repos_url+repository_full_name+"/license").json()

    return {"url":json['html_url'],"name":json['name'],"content":b64decode(json['content']),"type":json['type']}
`def get_user_infos(self, username: str) ‑> dict`

get additionnal informations on a user like

  • id (str)

  • bio (str)

  • name (str)

  • twitter_account (null if not) (str)

  • followers (list of usernames)

  • following (list of usernames)

  • starred_repos (list of urls)

  • blog_url (null if not) (str)

  • is_hireable (null if not specified) (bool)

  • email (null if not specified) (str)

  • user_location (null if not specified) (str)

  • user_type (str)

  • avatar_url (str)

  • company (str)

  • creation_date (str)

  • url (str)

  • organizations (List[dict{'login','url'}])

:raises UserNotFoundException if user is not found:

:returns: A dict with the upper specified keys

Expand source code
def get_user_infos(self,username:str) -> dict:

    get additionnal informations on a user like

    - id (str)

    - bio (str)

    - name (str)

    - twitter_account (null if not) (str)

    - followers (list of usernames)

    - following (list of usernames)

    - starred_repos (list of urls)

    - blog_url (null if not) (str)

    - is_hireable (null if not specified) (bool)

    - email (null if not specified) (str)

    - user_location (null if not specified) (str)

    - user_type (str)

    - avatar_url (str)

    - company (str)

    - creation_date (str)

    - url (str)

    - organizations (List[dict{'login','url'}])

    :raises UserNotFoundException if user is not found:

    :returns: A dict with the upper specified keys


    if not self.user_exists(username):
        raise UserNotFoundException

    #getting basic infos
    json = get(self.base_user_url+username).json()

    #getting infos from special urls
    followers = get(json['followers_url']).json()

    following = get(str(json['following_url']).replace("{/other_user}","",1)).json()

    starred_repos = [repo['html_url'] for repo in get(json['starred_url'].replace("{/owner}{/repo}","",1)).json()]

    organizations = [{"login":org['login'],"url":org["url"]} for org in get(json['organizations_url']).json()]

    return {"id": json['id'],"bio":json['bio'],"name":json['name'],"twitter_account":json['twitter_username'],"followers" : [f['login'] for f in followers], "following":[f['login'] for f in following],"starred_repos": starred_repos,"blog_url":json['blog'],"is_hireable":json['hireable'],"email":json['email'],"user_location":json['location'],"user_type":json['type'],"avatar_url":json['avatar_url'],"company":json['company'],"creation_date":json['created_at'],"url":json['url'],"organizations":organizations}
`def get_user_repos(self, username: str) ‑> list`

list the publics repositories of the specified user

:raises: UserNotFoundException if user is not found

:returns: A list of dict containing repository 'repo_name' and 'repo_url' of user public repositories

Expand source code
def get_user_repos(self,username:str)-> list:

    list the publics repositories of the specified user

    :raises: UserNotFoundException if user is not found

    :returns: A list of dict containing repository 'repo_name' and 'repo_url' of user public repositories 


    if not self.user_exists(username):
        raise UserNotFoundException

    json = get(f"{self.base_user_url}{username}/repos").json()
    repos_names = [repo['full_name'] for repo in json]
    repos_urls = [repo['html_url'] for repo in json]

    ret = []
    for i in range(len(repos_names)):

    return ret
`def login()`
Expand source code
def login():
`def repo_exists(self, repository_full_name: str) ‑> bool`

:return: True if the repo exists False if not

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def repo_exists(self,repository_full_name:str) -> bool:

    :return: True if the repo exists False if not


    if self.__is_json_key(get(f"{self.base_repos_url}{repository_full_name}/releases").json(),'message'):
        return False

        return True
`def try_determine_email(self, username: str, events_number: int = 10) ‑> List[str]`

tries to gather user email address by events api endpoint, it may be very usefull if the user didn't put it as personnal information and for OSINT people ;)

:param username: the username (str)

:returns: A list of potential email addresses (List[str])

:raises UserNotFoundException:

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def try_determine_email(self,username:str,events_number:int=10)->List[str]:

    tries to gather user email address by events api endpoint, it may be very usefull if the user didn't put it as personnal information and for OSINT people ;)

    :param username: the username (str)

    :returns: A list of potential email addresses (List[str])

    :raises UserNotFoundException:


    if not self.user_exists(username):
        raise UserNotFoundException

    json = get(self.base_user_url+username+"/events").json()[:events_number]

    emails = []
    for event in json:
        if self.__is_json_key(event['payload'],'commits'):
            for commit in event['payload']['commits']:

    return list(set(emails))
`def user_exists(self, username: str) ‑> bool`

:param username: the username

:returns: a boolean

Expand source code
def user_exists(self,username:str)->bool:


    :param username: the username

    :returns: a boolean


    #check if user exists
    if self.__is_json_key(get(self.base_user_url+username).json(),"message"):
        return False
        return True
`class InvalidReleaseIndexException (message='Invalid release index. The user must not have released that amount of versions')`

Exception raised if you decided to pass a certain release index to get stats not on the lastest but this index does not exists.


message – explanation of the error

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class InvalidReleaseIndexException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you decided to pass a certain release index to get stats not on the lastest but this index does not exists.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="Invalid release index. The user must not have released that amount of versions"):
        self.message = message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
`class InvalidRepoNameException (message='Invalid repository name. It must look like : thaaoblues/github_api')`

Exception raised if a repository name does not exists or is malformed


message – explanation of the error

Expand source code
class InvalidRepoNameException(Exception):
    Exception raised if a repository name does not exists or is malformed

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="Invalid repository name. It must look like : thaaoblues/github_api"):
        self.message = message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
`class NoReleaseException (message='No release found. The user must not have released anything.')`

Exception raised if you wanted to get stats from a release but the repo does not have any.


message – explanation of the error

Expand source code
class NoReleaseException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you wanted to get stats from a release but the repo does not have any.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="No release found. The user must not have released anything."):
        self.message = message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
`class UnknownAssetException (message="No release's assets found with this name.")`

Exception raised if you wanted to get download url for a specific release's asset but no assets has this name.


message – explanation of the error

Expand source code
class UnknownAssetException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you wanted to get download url for a specific release's asset but no assets has this name.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="No release's assets found with this name."):
        self.message = message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
`class UnknownFileException (message='No file found with this name.')`

Exception raised if you wanted to get raw content for a specific file but the file does not exists.


message – explanation of the error

Expand source code
class UnknownFileException(Exception):
    Exception raised if you wanted to get raw content for a specific file but the file does not exists.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="No file found with this name."):
        self.message = message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
`class UserNotFoundException (message='Username not found on github.')`

Exception raised if an username don't exists.


message – explanation of the error

Expand source code
class UserNotFoundException(Exception):
    Exception raised if an username don't exists.

        message -- explanation of the error


    def __init__(self, message="Username not found on github."):
        self.message = message


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException


    • [GithubHTTPApi](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi")

      • [download_release_asset](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.download_release_asset "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.download_release_asset")
      • [get_last_event_date](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_last_event_date "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_last_event_date")
      • [get_raw_file_content](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_raw_file_content "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_raw_file_content")
      • [get_release_asset_download_link](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_release_asset_download_link "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_release_asset_download_link")
      • [get_release_download_count](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_release_download_count "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_release_download_count")
      • [get_release_infos](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_release_infos "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_release_infos")
      • [get_repo_issues](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_repo_issues "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_repo_issues")
      • [get_repo_license](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_repo_license "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_repo_license")
      • [get_user_infos](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_user_infos "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_user_infos")
      • [get_user_repos](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_user_repos "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.get_user_repos")
      • [login](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.login "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.login")
      • [repo_exists](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.repo_exists "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.repo_exists")
      • [try_determine_email](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.try_determine_email "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.try_determine_email")
      • [user_exists](#github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.user_exists "github_http_api.GithubHTTPApi.user_exists")
    • [InvalidReleaseIndexException](#github_http_api.InvalidReleaseIndexException "github_http_api.InvalidReleaseIndexException")

    • [InvalidRepoNameException](#github_http_api.InvalidRepoNameException "github_http_api.InvalidRepoNameException")

    • [NoReleaseException](#github_http_api.NoReleaseException "github_http_api.NoReleaseException")

    • [UnknownAssetException](#github_http_api.UnknownAssetException "github_http_api.UnknownAssetException")

    • [UnknownFileException](#github_http_api.UnknownFileException "github_http_api.UnknownFileException")

    • [UserNotFoundException](#github_http_api.UserNotFoundException "github_http_api.UserNotFoundException")

Generated by pdoc 0.9.2.


A python package that helps you use the github http api to get specific stats/informations and even download files in only one or two lines. Also include some OSINT functions

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%