ThaDafinser / browscap-php

Officially supported Browscap for PHP

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Browser Capabilities PHP Project

This is a userland replacement for PHP's native get_browser() function, which is officially supported by the Browser Capabilities Project.

Note that you are currently viewing the unstable master branch (will be 3.x versions). If you're installing via composer require browscap/browscap-php, depending on your minimum stability, you may be using the latest version 2.x, so please read the documentation for that branch here.

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Run the command below to install via Composer

composer require browscap/browscap-php 

Then you may identify the current user agent like so:

use BrowscapPHP\Browscap;

$browscap = new Browscap();
$info = $browscap->getBrowser();

Recommended Setup

Before you can start, you have to download the browscap.ini file and convert it into a cache. There are two ways.

  1. Download the file and convert it in two steps. The downloaded file will be stored in a local file, but there is no check if the remote file has changed. If your cache gets corrupted you only need to rerun the convert command.
vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:fetch
vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:convert
  1. Download the file and convert it in one step. The downloaded file will not be stored in a local file, but there is a check if the remote file has changed. If your cache gets corrupted you have clean the cache and restart the process.
vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update

If you only want to check if a new version of the browscap.ini is available, you can use the browscap:check-update command.

Note: Both ways to create/update the cache and also checking the update will use the standard mode file as default. If you want more detailed information you may change this with the remote-file option. Please use the help function this parameter.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update --remote-file Full_PHP_BrowscapINI

Each operation expect fetch uses a cache inside the resources directory inside the project. If you update this library with composer, the cache is cleared also. If you want to avoid this and want to set your own cache folder, you can use the cache option. If you do this, you have to set a Cache Instance for this this path (see below).

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update --cache ./browscap-cache

Note: Each operation (fetch, update, check-update) which fetches data from the remote host may run into the rate limit of that site. If this happens an Exception is thrown.

A sample using composer with taking the useragent from the global $_SERVER variable.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// The Browscap class is in the BrowscapPHP namespace, so import it
use BrowscapPHP\Browscap;

// Create a new Browscap object (loads or creates the cache)
$bc = new Browscap();

// Get information about the current browser's user agent
$current_browser = $bc->getBrowser();

If you have an user agent you can change the function

$current_browser = $bc->getBrowser($the_user_agent);

If you want to log something that happens with the detector you may set an logger. This logger has to implement the logger interface from Psr\Log\LoggerInterface

$bc = new Browscap();
$current_browser = $bc->getBrowser();

If you want to use an other cache than the file cache, you may set a different one. You have to change the cache adapter before building the cache with the convert or the update commands.

NOTE: If you want to use a different cache, the samples above will not work, because they are using a predefined file cache

This cache adapter has to implement the adapter interface from WurflCache\Adapter\AdapterInterface

$adapter = new \WurflCache\Adapter\Memcache(<your memcache configuration as array>);
$bc = new Browscap();
$current_browser = $bc->getBrowser();

In this sample a memcache is used to store the full version of the bropwscap.ini file

$adapter = new \WurflCache\Adapter\Memcache(<your memcache configuration as array>);

$bc = new Browscap();

If you are behind a proxy you have to set a configuration with the proxy data. Parts who are not needed for your connection (like the port if the standard port is used) dont need to be set

$proxyConfig = array(
    'ProxyProtocol' => 'http',
    'ProxyHost'     => '',
    //'ProxyPort'     => null,
    'ProxyAuth'     => 'basic',
    'ProxyUser'     => 'your username',
    'ProxyPassword' => 'your super secret password',

$bc = new Browscap();

Issues and feature requests

Please report your issues and ask for new features on the GitHub Issue Tracker at

Please report incorrectly identified User Agents and browser detect in the browscap.ini file here:


Officially supported Browscap for PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%