TetianaKovalchuk / Revo-Coffee-Website

A website of a coffee shop (made with a public Figma design).

Repository from Github https://github.comTetianaKovalchuk/Revo-Coffee-WebsiteRepository from Github https://github.comTetianaKovalchuk/Revo-Coffee-Website


A website of a coffee shop. I used a public Figma design. This website is one page only. It's pretty plain, but I'm proud of the "Giftsets" section because the animations are stunning. I used JavaScript and jQuery for that. There is also a slider. I've had experience doing a slider before, but this one isn't just an image slider. It has many elements in it that are positioned in a grid.

GitHub Pages link: https://tetianakovalchuk.github.io/Revo-Coffee-Website/

You can watch the video showing all the hovers and animations:


(GitHub Pages doesn't show all the assets and scripts, so watch the video)

Website preview below: Revo Coffee website


A website of a coffee shop (made with a public Figma design).

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:HTML 54.9%Language:CSS 27.4%Language:JavaScript 17.6%