Testo12 / TestoNotey

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Notey API


Base API link: https://api-notey.herokuapp.com/

Function URL
Register a user /api/1.0/user/register

Function explanation

Register a user

This registers a user and hashes the password in the database. With ajax you can call this function with the approporiate url.

You'll need three values:

  • userName
  • email
  • password


userName: $('#userName').val(),

email: $('#userEmail').val(),

password: $('#userPassword').val()

There are two errors that can occur:

  • 409, which means that there is a duplicate user name
  • 400, which means that one or more fields are mepty

All error messages come in a JSON-Object meaning there is different parts to the message:

Type Datatype
success bool
messageCode int
errorMessage String


{ success: false, errorCode: 400, errorMessage: "You have to fill all fields!" }

result.errorMessage will become You have to fill all fields



Language:JavaScript 79.7%Language:HTML 20.3%