TerryTxx / cs615

Collaborative Management of Tasks Tool----Full-stack web project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Group Task Management

This project powered by React.JS and Express.

Get Started

Open command line and apply that steps:

1. Step
 git clone https://github.com/TerryTxx/cs615
2. Step
    for windows download nvm-install
    nvm install v16.14.2
    nvm use v16.14.2
  for mac install nvm curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
  nvm use 16
  or nvm install v16.14.2

3. Step for mac (global script setted, windows go Step4)
npm run install-deps
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
(if failed) go Step 4
(if failed) root npm install && (cd client && npm install) && (cd server && npm install)
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
npm start

4. Step
 cd server
 npm install
 npm run start
 cd client
 npm install
 npm run start
4. Step

 You can start working on any explorer window.
register is working also


HTTP Request

Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/tasks GET Empty List all tasks.
/tasks POST {'title':'task title', 'content':'task content', status:1, date:Date.now, color:SpecialField, dueDate:Date, createdBy:ObjectId, contributors: Object.Id } Create a new task.
/tasks/update/:id PUT {'title':'task title', 'content':'task content', status:1, date:Date.now, color:SpecialField, dueDate:Date, createdBy:ObjectId, contributors: Object.Id } Update task by id.
/tasks/delete/:id DELETE Empty Delete task by id.
/users GET Empty List all users.
/users POST {'username':'Tan', 'name':'Xiaoxu', lastName:'Tan', createdBy:ObjectId, profilePhoto:'default.jpg' } Create a new user.
/story GET Empty List all projects.


Collaborative Management of Tasks Tool----Full-stack web project


Language:JavaScript 83.2%Language:CSS 14.3%Language:HTML 2.0%Language:Pug 0.4%