TeraSky-OSS / laze

A tool to provision AWS Landing Zone according to best practices using Terraform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LAZE - Landing Zone as Code

This project is meant to replace AWS Control Tower as the tool to provision AWS Landing Zone according to best practices.


Name AWS Control Tower LAZE
Create an organization ✔️ ✔️
Set account alias for management (root) account ✔️
Set global tags that will be assigned to all (supported) resources ✔️
Create management accounts (Audit and Log Archive) ✔️ ✔️ (WIP)
Deploy management "roles" on a single account ✔️
Create custom organizational policies (SCPs, tag policies, etc.) ✔️ (only SCPs) ✔️
Create custom organizational units (OUs) ✔️ ✔️
Create nested organizational units (OUs) ✔️
Attach policies to OUs ✔️ ✔️
Create custom AWS accounts in specified OUs ✔️ ✔️
Attach policies to AWS accounts ✔️ ✔️
Create network resources (VPC, subnetc, etc.) in AWS accounts ✔️ (very basic) ✔️
Provision custom Terraform modules (HCL) in AWS accounts ✔️
Deploy Transit Gateway ❌ (planned)
Deploy SSO with custom configurations ❌ (planned)

Configuration File

The deployment of the organization and all resources is based on a YAML configuration file that should be provided by the customer.

The following are the accepted attributes for the YAML configuration file:

Name Description Type Default Required
region AWS Region to deploy all resources in string us-east-1 no
aws_profile AWS profile name as set in the shared credentials file string default no
create_organization Whether an organization should be created, or use an existing one boolean true no
root_account_alias IAM alias for the root account string "" no
global_tags Map of tags to apply to all resources (key-value pairs) object {} no
policies List of organization policies blocks list(object) [] no
policies.name Name of the policy string n/a yes
policies.type Type of the policy (SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY / TAG_POLICY / BACKUP_POLICY / AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY) string n/a yes
policies.content_inline Inline policy content in a JSON format string n/a yes (if content_from_file is not specified)
policies.content_from_file Path to a JSON file containing the policy content string n/a yes (if content_inline is not specified)
organizational_units List of organizational units list(object) [] no
organizational_units.name Name of the organizational unit string n/a yes
organizational_units.policies List of organization policies names to attach to the organizational unit list(string) [] no
organizational_units.parent_ou Name of the parent organizational unit string "" = root OU no
accounts List of organization accounts list(object) [] no
accounts.name Name of the account string n/a yes
accounts.email Email of the account string n/a yes
accounts.ou Name of the OU to place the account in string n/a yes
accounts.roles List of roles for the account (Supports: audit, log_archive or standard) list(string) [] no
accounts.policies List of organization policies names to attach to the account list(string) [] no
accounts.network Network configuration block for the account object {} no
accounts.network.create Whether to create network resoruces in the account boolean true no
accounts.network.name Name of the desired VPC (also prefix for subnets and other network resoruces) string n/a yes (if create == true)
accounts.network.vpc_cidr CIDR of the desired VPC string n/a yes (if create == true)
accounts.network.public_subnets List of CIDRs for the public subnets list(string) [] no
accounts.network.private_subnets List of CIDRs for the private subnets list(string) [] no
tf_modules List of Terraform modules that will be provisioned automatically on the created accounts list(object) [] no
tf_modules.name Logical name (alias) of the Terraform module (HCL) to deploy string n/a yes
tf_modules.source Source of the Terraform module (HCL) to deploy (registry/git repo/local path) string n/a yes
tf_modules.version Version of the Terraform module (relevant only when source is from Terraform Registry) string "latest" no
tf_modules.variables Map of variables (with values) to pass to the module object {} no
tf_modules.accounts List of AWS account names to provision the modules on list(string) n/a yes

The following is the YAML file that should be provided, with explanation on each of the attributes:

# (Optional) AWS Region to deploy all resources in (default: us-east-1)
region: us-east-1
# (Optional) AWS profile name as set in the shared credentials file (default: default)
aws_profile: default
# (Optional) Whether an organization should be created, or use an existing one (default: true)
create_organization: true
# (Optional) IAM alias for the root account (default: "")
root_account_alias: terasky-laze-mgmt

# (Optional) Map of tags to apply to all resources (key-value pairs) (default: {})
# Example:
#   Environment: test
#   Owner: Daniel Vaknin
global_tags: {}

# (Optional) List of organization policies blocks (default: [])
# Example policy (inline):
#   # (Required) Name of the policy
# - name: example_scp_inline
#   # (Optional) Inline policy content in a JSON format (required if "content_from_file" is not specified)
#   content_inline: |
#     {
#       "Version": "2012-10-17",
#       "Statement": {
#         "Effect": "Allow",
#         "Action": "*",
#         "Resource": "*"
#       }
#     }
# Example policy (from file):
#   # (Required) Name of the policy
# - name: scp_y
#   # (Optional) Path to a JSON file containing the policy content (required if "content_inline" is not specified)
#   content_from_file: allow-all-policy.json
policies: []

# (Optional) List of organizational units (default: [])
# Example OU:
#   # (Required) Name of the organizational unit
# - name: prod
#   # (Optional) List of organization policies names to attach to the organizational unit (default: [])
#   policies:
#     - example_scp_inline
#   # (Optional) Name of the parent organizational unit (default: "" = root OU)
#   parent_ou: prod_parent
organizational_units: []

# (Optional) List of organization accounts (default: [])
# Example of account definition:
#   # (Required) Name of the account
# - name: TeraSky Laze Project A
#   # (Required) Email of the account
#   email: aws-project-laze-project-a@terasky.com
#   # (Required) Name of the OU to place the account in
#   ou: prod
#   # (Optional) List of roles for the account (Supports: `audit`, `log_archive` or `standard`)
#   roles:
#     - audit
#   # (Optional) List of organization policies names to attach to the account (default: [])
#   policies:
#     - example_scp_inline
#   # (Optional) Network configuration block for the account (default: {})
#   network:
#     # (Required) Whether to create network resoruces in the account
#     create: true
#     # (Required) Name of the desired VPC (also prefix for subnets and other network resoruces) (required if create == true)
#     name: laze-vpc
#     # (Required) CIDR of the desired VPC (required if create == true)
#     vpc_cidr:
#     # (Optional) List of CIDRs for the public subnets (default: [])
#     public_subnets: [,,]
#     # (Optional) List of CIDRs for the private subnets (default: [])
#     private_subnets: [,,]
accounts: []

# (Optional) List of Terraform modules that will be provisioned automatically on the created accounts (default: [])
# Example of resource definition:
#   # (Required) Logical name (alias) of the Terraform module (HCL) to deploy
# - name: aws-vpc
#   # (Required) Source of the Terraform module (HCL) to deploy (registry/git repo/local path)
#   source: terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws
#   # (Optional) Version of the Terraform module (relevant only when source if from Terraform Registry) (default: "latest")
#   version: 3.7.0
#   # (Optional) Map of variables (with values) to pass to the module (default: {})
#   variables:
#     name: my-vpc
#     cidr:
#     azs: [eu-west-1a, eu-west-1b, eu-west-1c]
#     public_subnets: [,,]
#   # (Required) List of AWS account names to provision the modules to
#   accounts:
#     - TeraSky Laze Project A
#     - TeraSky Laze Project B
tf_modules: []

For an example of a complete YAML configuration file, look here


Since this project is based on CDK for Terraform, you need to install it in order to deploy all resources.

Read this for installation instructions (Python).

In addition, the following is required:

  • An AWS account without (preferred) an organization (although LAZE can utilize the current organization if present)
  • An IAM user with the AdministratorAccess policy attached
  • Create access key for the above IAM user
  • Create an AWS CLI profile (on the machine running Terraform) with the access_key and secret_access_key of the above user


For reference on Terraform CDK and the AWS provider, look here:


Install Python requirements:

pip install -r terraform-cdk/requirements.txt

Set an environment variable with the path to the YAML configuration file that describes the environment:

export CONFIG_FILE_PATH="/path/to/yaml"

Change to the terraform-cdk folder and get all dependencies:

cd terraform-cdk/

Once done, you can deploy the stack:

cdktf deploy

To destroy the stack (environment), run the following command inside the terraform-cdk folder:

cdktf destroy


The example below will create a new organization with a few accounts and resources. To deploy the example, run the following:

cd terraform-cdk/
pip install -r requirements.txt
export CONFIG_FILE_PATH="../examples/full-organization/organization.yaml"
cdktf diff
cdktf deploy


  • All resource names (SCPs, OUs, accounts) must be unique in the organization
  • Account emails must be unique across all AWS
  • The Log Archive and Audit accounts are currently dependent on each, so you can't choose to deploy just 1 of them (either none, or both)


A tool to provision AWS Landing Zone according to best practices using Terraform

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 64.7%Language:HCL 35.3%