TephrocactusMYC / Missing-Semester


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All notes and homeworks' solutions for MIT-Missing-Semester.

And I also wrote down some knowledge that I saw in the book. However, some of them were writen ny Chinese.

How to learn these tools?

The entire missing semester is about explaining some very commonly used tools in programming work. In my experience, the most important thing about this course is actually introducing you to these tools and getting you up to speed quickly. However, if you don't use them often in your work, you will quickly forget how to use them completely.

Therefore, I have some learning suggestions. First of all, you need to master what tools are needed under corresponding environments and conditions based on this course as much as possible. Note that only knowing their names is enough. Then, you need to go ahead and use them. For example, in order to familiarize myself with Linux and Vim, I gave up using the desktop version of Ubuntu and worked every day with command lines instead; I quickly mastered the use of Linux and Vim (which is a shit tool), and for transferring files between virtual machines and hosts, I also learned SSH. So if you want to master these tools, the correct approach is simply using them! Finally, don't try to learn everything at once from the beginning; almost all tools have quick start tutorials available online or elsewhere - after mastering basic operations then look up documentation when encountering something unfamiliar in future usage scenarios.

Why not pay attention to the development of Rust?

Rust's development is very rapid.Almost all command-line tools have a more modern version rewritten in Rust language.




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