Tenrys / vscode-gmod-luadev

LuaDev integration for VS Code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GMod LuaDev

LuaDev integration for VS Code.

Send code to LuaDev with simple shortcuts!


To install GMod LuaDev, do the following steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Open the Quick Open Palette (By default: Ctrl-P)
  3. Type ext install gmod-lua
  4. Select the GMod LuaDev extension
  5. Select Install


Use the Command Palette (By default: Ctrl-Shift-P) to select a GMod LuaDev command to run.

You can add custom keybindings to trigger these commands by shortcut instead.

For example, to trigger Send to Server when Ctrl-1 is pressed, use the following keybinding shortcut:

	"key": "ctrl+1",
	"command": "gmod-luadev.server",
	"when": "editorTextFocus"


  • gmod-luadev.server
    • Sends the current file to run on the server.
  • gmod-luadev.shared
    • Sends the current file to run on the server and all clients.
  • gmod-luadev.clients
    • Sends the current file to run on all clients.
  • gmod-luadev.self
    • Sends the current file to only run on your client.
  • gmod-luadev.client
    • Sends the current file to run on a specific client.


  • gmod-luadev.port (Default: 27099)
    • The port number to communicate to LuaDev with.
  • gmod-luadev.hidescriptname (Default: false)
    • If enabled, GMod LuaDev will send files with a blank filename, hiding the real filename.
  • gmod-luadev.chattextchanged (Default: false)
    • If true, everytime you change the document it will be transmitted to Garry's Mod so it can be used by chat addons like chat over head.
  • gmod-luadev.chatheader (Default: true)
    • If true, a header showing the opened file's path, line count and state (dirty or not) will show up at the top and bottom of the code.
  • gmod-luadev.chathideother (Default: true)
    • If true, contents of files that don't have their language mode set to (G)Lua will be hidden by a message.


GMod LuaDev is hosted at GitHub.

GMod LuaDev is licensed under the GPLv3.


LuaDev integration for VS Code.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%