TelegramBots / book

Documentation for Telegram Bots Projects

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Telegram Bots Book

book master

This repository contains documentation for TelegramBots projects. Book is a great tutorial on writing Telegram bots in .NET ecosystem πŸ€–.

πŸ”¨ Build & Test βœ”

This book is a web app generated from markdown files with mdBook. Each markdown file mentioned in SUMMARY will be rendered as an HTML page.

  1. Install mdBook:

    • You can download a mdBook binary

    • Or install it using Rust package manager

      cargo install mdbook --vers "^0.4.28"
  2. Run locally at localhost:3000:

    mdbook serve --open

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Your contribution is welcome! πŸ™‚ See Contribution Guidelines.


Documentation for Telegram Bots Projects


Language:Handlebars 62.7%Language:CSS 37.3%