TeissierYannis / custom-kernel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project: Minimal OS with Kubernetes Support

This document outlines the roadmap for the development of a custom operating system. It includes key components and features that will be implemented as part of the project.

Project Description

  • Goal: This project aims to develop a minimal operating system with the primary goal of supporting Kubernetes. The OS will not have a graphical user interface (GUI) and will focus solely on the necessary components to run Kubernetes effectively.

Roadmap Checklist

Phase 1: Basic OS Setup

  • ** Initialize basic kernel structures (GDT, IDT)**
    • Progress
  • Implement basic input/output (keyboard, VGA display)
    • Progress
  • Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) and Interrupts
    • Progress
  • Set up a timer and basic interrupt handling
    • Progress
  • Physical memory management
    • Progress
  • PBasic paging implementation
    • Progress
  • Paging and Virtual Memory
    • Progress

Phase 2: Advanced Memory and Process Management

  • ** Implement dynamic memory allocation (heap)**
    • Progress
  • File System Implementation
    • Progress
  • Develop a simple filesystem (e.g., FAT32)
    • Progress
  • Implement basic multitasking (processes and threads)
    • Progress
  • User mode and system calls implementation
    • Progress

Phase 3: Networking and Kubernetes Support

  • Basic TCP/IP stack implementation
    • Progress
  • Develop necessary drivers for network communication
    • Progress
  • Kubernetes minimal runtime environment setup
    • Progress
  • Testing Kubernetes functionality
    • Progress

Phase 4: Finalizing and Testing

  • Optimize for performance and stability
    • Progress
  • Extensive testing and bug fixing
    • Progress
  • Documentation of the OS and setup instructions
    • Progress
  • Final integration and compatibility testing with Kubernetes
    • Progress

Additional Notes

  • This roadmap is a living document and may evolve as the project progresses.
  • Security: Implement basic security features necessary for Kubernetes.
  • Modularity: Focus on modularity in the OS design to ease future enhancements.
  • Community Feedback: If open-source, seek community feedback and contributions.

Last Updated: 01/13/24



Language:C 75.6%Language:Assembly 19.2%Language:Makefile 5.2%