Tehnix / playground-dynamodb

About Playground to play around with and show DynamoDB usage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Playground: DynamoDB

About Playground to play around with and show DynamoDB usage

There are two branches:

  • master: Uses AWS SDK v3
  • aws-sdk-v2: Uses AWS SDK v2

Getting Started 🚀

Install the various dependencies:

  • npm i

Set up a DynamoDB table in your AWS account (assumes you are authenticated) using the AWS CLI:

$ aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name study-club-session \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName=pk,AttributeType=S AttributeName=sk,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName=pk,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=sk,KeyType=RANGE \
    --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST # Use on-demand pricing.

If you're setting it up locally, you can instead use the following (notice the endpoint-url and provisioned-throughput):

$ aws dynamodb create-table --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 \
    --table-name study-club-session \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName=pk,AttributeType=S AttributeName=sk,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName=pk,KeyType=HASH AttributeName=sk,KeyType=RANGE \
    --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 # Is ignored in local, but required.

Table Design

A nominee looks like the following:

  firstName: "Jen",
  lastName: "Doe",
  nomineeEmail: "222222@gmail.com",
  submissionId: "20220129T220232795Z",
  timestamp: "2022-01-29T22:02:45.197Z",
  // .... story and etc

  firstName: "Jen",
  lastName: "Doe",
  nomineeEmail: "222222@gmail.com",
  voterEmail: "333@gmail.com",
  submissionId: "20220129T220232795Z",
  timestamp: "2022-01-29T22:02:45.197Z",
  // .... story and etc

We want to design something that fits with the following Access Patterns:

  • Get base profile: GetItem on pk = "C8CD..."sk = "nomineeProfile"
  • Get all stories and base profile: Query on pk = "C8CD..."begins_with(sk, "nomineeProfile")
  • Get all data from a nominee: Query on pk = "C8CD..."
  • Get only all stories: Query on pk = "C8CD..."begins_with(sk, "nomineeProfile#")
  • Get all votes: Query on pk = "C8CD..."begins_with(sk, "vote#")
  • Get nominee by email: Query on GSI nomineeEmail = "ckl@famly.co"
pk sk timestamp nomineeEmail (GSI PK) hashName firstName lastName story profilePicture votes zapierHookId s3Object nominatorEmail nominatorFirstName nominatorLastName voterEmail
C8CD... nomineeProfile ckl@famly.co Christian Kjær Christian Kjær Laustsen https://.... 2 ads14313-123... childrens-champion-...
C8CD... nomineeProfile#test@example.com Christian has been... 0 bds14313-123... john@famly.co John Doe
C8CD... nomineeProfile#other@example.com I've always liked when... 0 sds14313-123... alice@famly.co Alice Bobsen
C8CD... vote#test@example.com 0 cs113-... test@example.com
C8CD... vote#other@example.com 0 os912-... other@example.com


Query data using the AWS CLI (docs):

$ aws dynamodb query \
    --table-name study-club-session \
    --key-condition-expression "pk = :val" \
    --expression-attribute-values '{":val":{"S":"test"} }' # Add --index-name <name> for a GSI.

Adding a GSI to an existing Table:

$ aws dynamodb update-table \
    --table-name study-club-session \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName=nomineeEmail,AttributeType=S  \
    --global-secondary-index-updates \
                \"Create\": {
                    \"IndexName\": \"nominee-email-index\",
                    \"KeySchema\": [{ \"AttributeName\":\"nomineeEmail\",\"KeyType\":\"HASH\" }],
                    \"Projection\":{ \"ProjectionType\":\"ALL\" }



About Playground to play around with and show DynamoDB usage

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%