Teddy-Li / FIGER-Revamped

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Figer Classifier

This repository contains the code for revamping the FIGER entity typing ontology and dataset, and a simple classifier on the revamped dataset based on BERT-base-uncased.

This document hosts instructions for training & using the classifier. Please download the revamped FIGER data HERE and pre-trained checkpoints here; alternatively, to learn more about ontology revamping please refer to REFINE_TYPING.md.

With the revamped ontology, we are able to achieve a 94.3% macro-F1 score on the test set, XXX improvement over the original FIGER dataset.

Model Dataset Macro-F1 Micro-F1
BERT-base-uncased Original FIGER XXXX XXXX
BERT-base-uncased Revamped FIGER 94.3 95.1
BERT-large-uncased Original FIGER XXXX XXXX
BERT-large-uncased Revamped FIGER XXXX XXXX

We use this classifier to type the entities for our Entailment Graph project, stay tuned for more details.

Developing Classifier


The classifier is a multi-class multi-label sequence classifier based on bert-base-uncased. There are two major design choices: which tokens to extract representations from, and how large a language model to use;

  • Representation extraction:
    1. use the [CLS] token;
    2. use the average of entity tokens;
    3. concatenate i and ii;
    4. use the average of left context and average of right context tokens (concatenated);
    5. concatenate ii and iv.
  • How large a model: given a fixed computation constraint, we can choose to use a larger model with fp16, or a smaller model with fp32. The hypothesis is that using a larger model with fp16 will give better performance.
  • Hyper-parameters: other hyper-parameters of interest include: learning rate, number of epochs, metric for best model ([macro_f1, micro_f1]).
  • Note: empirically we have found using entity tokens for representation to be most efficient; removing entity representations harm the performance dramatically, whereas additionally including left and right contexts are not clearly better.


  1. NOTE: if you are using the slurm scripts, please change the #SBATCH options to match your environment (see this for detailed documentation);
  2. Do cache: python train.py --do_cache --label_smoothing_factor 0.1 --reload_data, this will cache the representations of data entries;
  3. Do train: @ ./classifier;
    • On private servers: do nohup python -u train.py --do_train --model_name_or_path ../../lms/bert-base-uncased --encode_mode entity --lr 5e-5 --num_train_epochs 5 --metric_best_model macro_f1 --label_smoothing_factor 0.0 > ./logdir/bbu_entity_lsf0.0_5e-5.log &
    • On Cluster: do sbatch -p ILCC_GPU --gres gpu:4 -o ./logdir/bbu_cls_entity_lsf0.0_5e-5.log train_script.sh bert-base-uncased cls_entity 5e-5 0.0 /disk/scratch/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/json_data/ /disk/scratch/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/ ../model_ckpts;
    • Key tunable hyperparameters include:
      • --encode_mode: which tokens' representation to take for the classifier;
      • --num_clsf_layers: how many layer MLP to use for the classifier;
      • --typeset_fn / --labels_key: which typeset to use;
      • --lr: the learning rate;
      • --use_fp16: whether to use fp16 for speeding up;
      • --metric_best_model: which metric to use for selecting the best model, by default macro_f1, values from different metrics should be roughly aligned;
      • --reload_data: whether to reload the data (refresh cache), needed when data set is updated;
      • --label_smoothing_factor: the label smoothing factor, by default 0.0, values from 0.0 to 0.2 are reasonable;
  4. Do eval: @ ./classifier:
    • On private servers, do: ``;
    • On Cluster, do: sbatch -p ILCC_GPU --gres gpu:2 -o ./logdir/bbu_entity_lsf0.0_5e-5_dev.log eval_script.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 /tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/json_data/ dev;
  5. Test predict: @ ./classifier:
    • On cluster, do: sbatch -p ILCC_GPU -w duflo --gres gpu:2 -o ./logdir/predict_test.log predict_script.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 /tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/json_data/ test_wegtypes _bert-base-uncased_entgraph_labels_0.0 0.05 --is_inference --debug;

Doing Inference for NewsSpike / NewsCrawl

Note: you can create your own inference scripts analogous to news_proc and levy_proc.

  1. load_news_data:
    • newsspike: @news_proc nohup python -u load_news_data.py --in_path ../../entGraph/news_gen8_p.json --out_dir ../news_data/ --data_name newsspike --out_fn %s_gparser_typing_input.json --mode load > ns_load.log &;
    • newscrawl: @news_proc nohup python -u load_news_data.py --in_path ../../news_genC_GG.json --out_dir ../news_data/ --data_name newscrawl --out_fn %s_gparser_typing_input.json --mode load > nc_load.log &;
    • LevyHolt: @levy_proc python -u load_levy_data.py
  2. split loaded news data:
    • newsspike: nohup python -u load_news_data.py --out_dir ../news_data/ --data_name newsspike --out_fn %s_gparser_typing_input.json --mode split --num_slices 8 --expected_num_lines 63876006 > ns_split.log &;
    • newscrawl: nohup python -u load_news_data.py --out_dir ../news_data/ --data_name newscrawl --out_fn %s_gparser_typing_input.json --mode split --num_slices 120 --expected_num_lines 1584274524 > nc_split.log &;
    • LevyHolt: NA;

3. do cache:

  • newsspike: NA;
  • newscrawl: NA;
  • LevyHolt: nohup bash cache_script_pata.sh bert-base-uncased ../levy_data/dev_input.json 0.0 --reload_data --spanend_inclusive --force_encode > ./logdir/cache_levy_dev.log & (the cached files can then be sent to MLP server);
  1. do predict:
  • newsspike: sbatch -p ILCC_GPU --exclude duflo --array 0 --gres gpu:4 -o ./logdir/predict_ns_%a_%A.log predict_script_array.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 /disk/scratch/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/news_data/ newsspike_gparser_typing_input entgraph_labels 0.05 --is_inference --spanend_inclusive;
  • newsspike: sbatch -p PGR-Standard --array 4-7 --gres gpu:2 -o ./logdir/predict_ns_%a_%A.log predict_script_array.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 /disk/scratch_big/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/news_data/ newsspike_gparser_typing_input entgraph_labels 0.05 --is_inference --spanend_inclusive;
  • newscrawl: sbatch -p ILCC_GPU --exclude duflo,levi --array 100-119%4 --gres gpu:4 -o ./logdir/predict_nc_%a_%A.log predict_script_array.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 /disk/scratch/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/news_data/ newscrawl_gparser_typing_input entgraph_labels 0.01 --is_inference --spanend_inclusive;
  • newscrawl: sbatch -p PGR-Standard --array 0-10:4 --gres gpu:2 -o ./logdir/predict_nc_%a_%A.log predict_script_array.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 /disk/scratch_big/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/news_data/ newscrawl_gparser_typing_input entgraph_labels 0.05 --is_inference --spanend_inclusive;
  • LevyHolt: sbatch -p PGR-Standard --gres gpu:2 -o ./logdir/predict_levy_dev.log predict_script.sh bert-base-uncased entity /home/s2063487/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/model_ckpts/bert-base-uncased/entity_5e-05_0.0/checkpoint-95000 levy_data /disk/scratch_big/tli/figer_simple_classifier/model_ckpts/levy_data/ dev_input _bert-base-uncased_entgraph_labels_0.0 0.05 --is_inference --spanend_inclusive --force_encode;
  1. Integrate Results:

    • newsspike: nohup python -u integrate_results.py --data_dir ../news_data/ --data_name newsspike --num_slices 8 --job_name model > ns_integrate_modelout.log &;
  2. Generate typed corpus:

    • newsspike: nohup python -u integrate_results.py --data_dir ../news_data/ --data_name newsspike --output_fn %s_gparser_typing_output.json --job_name corpus --parsed_fn ../../entGraph_NS/news_gen8_p.json > ns_integrate_corpus.log &;



Language:Python 95.3%Language:Shell 4.7%