Techwolf78 / Logo-React

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Assignment 1: Designing the Logo


Logo Component Screenshot


import React from 'react';

const Logo: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <div className="flex justify-center items-center h-screen bg-gray-900">
      <div className="relative w-96 h-96"> 
        <div className="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full border-[42px] border-transparent border-t-[#ca7c4e] border-r-[#beb9b7] border-b-[#199296] border-l-[#a0e4af] transform rotate-45"></div>
        <div className="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col justify-center items-center text-white text-center">
          <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">HTML <span className="text-orange-500">&</span> CSS</h1>
          <p className="text-m">design and build websites</p>
export default Logo;

Logo Component Design
This React component (Logo.tsx) creates a logo using HTML and CSS, styled with Tailwind CSS classes. Here’s a breakdown:

Outer Container (

  • Centers the content vertically and horizontally (flex justify-center items-center).
  • Sets a dark gray background (bg-gray-900) covering the entire screen (h-screen).

Logo Container (div.relative.w-96.h-96):

  • Positioned relatively (relative).
  • Dimensions set to 96 pixels for width and height (w-96 h-96).

Border Design ( ...):

  • Positioned absolutely at the top-left corner of its parent container (absolute top-0 left-0).
  • Draws a rotated border using Tailwind CSS border utilities (border-42, border-transparent, border-t-[#ca7c4e], border-r-[#beb9b7], border-b-[#199296], border-l-[#a0e4af], transform rotate-45).

Content (div.absolute.inset-0 ...):

  • Positioned absolutely to cover its parent container (absolute inset-0).
  • Uses flexbox (flex flex-col justify-center items-center) to center its contents vertically and horizontally.
  • Text elements styled with Tailwind CSS classes (text-white, text-4xl, text-m, font-bold, text-orange-500).
  • Text Elements:
  • h1 className="text-4xl font-bold" HTML span className="text-orange-500"& CSS: Displays a heading with "HTML & CSS" in bold (text-4xl and font-bold), with the ampersand (&) colored orange (text-orange-500).
  • design and build websites

    : Displays a paragraph with the text "design and build websites" in medium text size (text-m).

PLEASE find the preview of the logo here " "

Assignment 2: Finding the Travel Route - The code is in this file (

Method to find the route traveled by the son

public static List<String> findRoute(String startCity, List<String> citiesVisited, List<String> tickets) {

Build the graph from the list of tickets

Map<String, List<String>> graph = new HashMap<>();
for (String ticket : tickets) {
String[] cities = ticket.split("-");
String fromCity = cities[0];
String toCity = cities[1];
graph.putIfAbsent(fromCity, new ArrayList<>());

Track visited cities and the current route

Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
List<String> route = new ArrayList<>();

Use depth-first search to find the route

if (dfs(startCity, citiesVisited, graph, visited, route)) {
return route;
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();

Depth-first search method to explore possible routes

    private static boolean dfs(String city, List<String> citiesVisited, Map<String, List<String>> graph, Set<String> visited, List<String> route) {

Base case: Check if all cities visited have been included in the route

        if (route.size() == citiesVisited.size()) {
            return true;

Explore neighbors in the graph

        if (graph.containsKey(city)) {
            for (String neighbor : graph.get(city)) {
                if (!visited.contains(neighbor)) {
                    if (dfs(neighbor, citiesVisited, graph, visited, route)) {
                        return true;

Backtrack: Remove the current city from route and mark as not visited

        route.remove(route.size() - 1);
        return false;

Main method to test the TravelRouteFinder class

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String startCity = "Kiev";
        List<String> citiesVisited = Arrays.asList("Amsterdam", "Kiev", "Zurich", "Prague", "Berlin", "Barcelona");
        List<String> tickets = Arrays.asList(
            "Paris-Skopje", "Zurich-Amsterdam", "Prague-Zurich",
            "Barcelona-Berlin", "Kiev-Prague", "Skopje-Paris",
            "Amsterdam-Barcelona", "Berlin-Kiev", "Berlin-Amsterdam"

Find the route based on input data

        List<String> route = findRoute(startCity, citiesVisited, tickets);
        if (!route.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Route traveled by your son: " + route);
        } else {
            System.out.println("No valid route found.");

OUTPUT OF THE SECOND ASSESMENT - The code is in this file (

PS C:\Users\Pawar GP\Desktop\course\excelR\Java> javac
PS C:\Users\Pawar GP\Desktop\course\excelR\Java> java
Route traveled by your son: [Kiev, Prague, Zurich, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin]



Language:Java 49.3%Language:TypeScript 29.0%Language:JavaScript 13.6%Language:HTML 7.0%Language:CSS 1.2%