TeaDrinkingProgrammer / mongoose-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


School project from the second semester of 2021/2022. This project is the backend API of this project.
The API is built using Javascript and Express and connects to a MongoDb database server using Mongoose. For a subset of queries, it connects to a Neo4j server.

As of March 2022, this project is still in development.

Link to api

Base url: https://mykanjilist-backend.herokuapp.com


Any property with a star (*) before it is required
Any request with "Token" requires a valid token


POST /api/auth/register Creates a new account and gives back login info + bearer token

    *"email": "johndoe@gmail.com",
    *"firstName": "John",
	*"lastName": "Doe",
    *"password": "Password123*"

POST /api/auth/login Logs in a user and gives back login info + bearer token

    *"email": "johndoe@gmail.com",
    *"password": "Password123*"


POST /api/content
Creates a new piece of content

  *"name": "Portuguese for Beginners",
  "tags": [
  *"inProduction": true,
  "platforms": [
      *"name": "Youtube",
      *"link": "Youtube.com"
  *"contentInterface": "audio",
  *"contentType": "podcast",
  "websiteLink": "portugueseforbeginners.com",
  *"language": "English",
  "targetLanguage": "Portuguese"

GET /api/content Replies with all content that is stored in the database
Query options:
limit: number. Determines how many items are sent back
skip: number. Determines how many items are skipped
sortOrder: asc/desc. Determines in which order items are sent back
sortOn: name of an attribute. Determines which attribute the items are sorted on. Default = name

GET /api/content/:id Replies with one content item with the id given as a parameter

PUT /api/content/:id Token Updates the content with the corresponding ID

"name": "Portuguese for Intermediates"

DELETE /api/content/:id Token Deletes the content with the corresponding ID


POST /api/content-list
Creates a new contentlist

  *"name": "My List",
  "description": "I am trying to learn Portuguese and Chinese",
  "isPrivate": true,
  "content": [

GET /api/content-list Replies with all contentlists in the database
Query options:
limit: number. Determines how many items are sent back
skip: number. Determines how many items are skipped
sortOrder: asc/desc. Determines in which order items are sent back
sortOn: name of an attribute. Determines which attribute the items are sorted on. Default = name

GET /api/content-list/:id Replies with one contentlist with the id given as a parameter

PUT /api/content-list/:id Token Updates the contentlist with the corresponding ID

"name": "Language Podcasts"

DELETE /api/content-list/:id Token Deletes the contentlist with the corresponding ID


GET /api/user Replies with all users in the database
Query options:
limit: number. Determines how many items are sent back
skip: number. Determines how many items are skipped
sortOrder: asc/desc. Determines in which order items are sent back
sortOn: name of an attribute. Determines which attribute the items are sorted on. Default = username

GET /api/user/:id Replies with one user with the id given as a parameter

PUT /api/user/:id Token Updates the user with the corresponding ID

"lastName": "Janssen"

DELETE /api/user/:id Token Deletes the user with the corresponding ID


POST /api/user/:id/follow
The owner of the token follows the person with the corresponding ID

GET /api/user/:id/follow Replies with all the users the user with the corresponding ID follows

GET /api/user/:id/followers Replies with all the users that follow the user with the corresponding ID follows

DELETE /api/content/:id
The owner of the token unfollows the person with the corresponding ID


POST /api/comment
Creates a new comment.

  *"commentText": "Lorem ipsum",
  *"content": "1245"

GET /api/comment Replies with all comments in the database
Query options:
limit: number. Determines how many items are sent back
skip: number. Determines how many items are skipped
sortOrder: asc/desc. Determines in which order items are sent back
sortOn: name of an attribute. Determines which attribute the items are sorted on.
Default = votesCount

contentId: string. Only show comments for a certain piece of content

GET /api/comment/:id Replies with one comment with the id given as a parameter

PUT /api/comment/:id Token Updates the comment with the corresponding ID

"commentText": "New text"

DELETE /api/comment/:id Token Deletes the comment with the corresponding ID

Common queries (on a scale from 1 to 5)

/api/content-list 2 4 X X
/api/content-list/:id X 3 2 2
/api/content 2 5 X X
/api/content/:id X 4 1 1
/api/comment 5 4 X X
/api/comment/:id X 1 2 1
/api/login 5 X X X
/api/register 3 X X X
/api/user X 1 X X
/api/user/:id X 3 2 1
/api/user/:id/follow 3 3 X 2
/api/user/:id/followers X 2 X X

Mongo model:

NEO model:




Language:JavaScript 100.0%