Tchouanga12 / Adversarial-Attack

This project entails the following;

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


As outlined in Szegedy (2014). In that paper, an adversarial example for a image classification NN is defined as “an imperceptible non-random perturbation to a test image” that changes the NN’s prediction.


This project entails the following;

1 - The creation of an adversarial attack  of me(my images) trying resemble that of target(our case Emanuelle Macron)
2 - The creation of a face mask mimicking the face of our target directly. Several image colors of face mask where used to make sure there is quite a good

Diverse variations in the face masks were produced to diversify the creation the face color intensitifies and attacks.

A number of 6 adversarial attacks were used from the Advertorch library

1 -  MomentumIterativeAttack(Resnet - ImageNet)
2 -  SparseL1DescentAttack(Resnet - ImageNet)
3 - PGDAttack(Resnet - ImageNet)
4 - MomentumIterativeAttack(Restnet - casia-webface)
5 - SparseL1DescentAttack(Resnet - casia-webface)
6 - PGDAttack(Resnet - casia-webface)

Creating adversarial attack on two face detection algorithms that is; Face-mask resource:

1. Resnet using Imagenet dataset
2. Resnet using casia-webface dataset

A loss function was defined to calculate the distance between the set of me imgaes to target set of images. image

Note: To request access to shared file:

- You can easily create your me folder using a set of your own images.
- you can make use of the provided target folder to experiement.


Defining a mask as the variable you will optimize and then perform the gradient descent optimizing the variable which has already the right shape.


This project entails the following;