Tazovsky / python_plotly_to_R

Using reticulate to run python plotly in R

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Render python plotly chart in R Shiny app

Making waterfall chart in pure R plotly package is breakingneck challenge compared to python plotly library. So I came up with an idea to convert python chart to R using reticulate R package.


From python code:

import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
py.init_notebook_mode(connected = False)

trace = go.Waterfall(
    name = "20", orientation = "v", 
    measure = ["relative", "relative", "total", "relative", "relative", "total"], 
    x = ["Sales", "Consulting", "Net revenue", "Purchases", "Other expenses", "Profit before tax"], 
    textposition = "outside", 
    text = ["+60", "+80", "", "-40", "-20", "Total"], 
    y = [60, 80, 0, -40, -20, 0], 
    connector = {"line":{"color":"rgb(63, 63, 63)"}}, 

layout = go.Layout(
        title = "Profit and loss statement 2018", 
        showlegend = True

py.iplot(go.Figure([trace], layout), filename = "basic_waterfall_chart")

To R implementation:

py <- import("plotly.offline")
go <- import("plotly.graph_objs")

trace = go$Waterfall(
    name = "20", 
    orientation = "v", 
    measure = c("relative", "relative", "total", "relative", "relative", "total"), 
    x = c("Sales", "Consulting", "Net revenue", "Purchases", "Other expenses", "Profit before tax"), 
    textposition = "outside", 
    text = c("+60", "+80", "", "-40", "-20", "Total"), 
    y = c(60, 80, 0, -40, -20, 0), 
    connector = list("line" = list("color" = "rgb(63, 63, 63)"))
layout = go$Layout(
  title = "Profit and loss statement 2018", 
  showlegend = TRUE

fig <- go$Figure(list(trace), layout)

py$plot(fig, output_type = "file") # or "div" wrapped in HTML function for shiny app 

To see example implementation in Shiny app see file profit_and_loss_statement_2018_shiny_app.R.



Using reticulate to run python plotly in R


Language:R 100.0%