TaylorBurnham / deep-daze

Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deep Daze

mist over green hills shattered plates on the grass
cosmic love and attention a time traveler in the crowd
life during the plague meditative peace in a sunlit forest
a man painting a completely red image a psychedelic experience on LSD

What is this?

Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren. Credit goes to Ryan Murdock for the discovery of this technique (and for coming up with the great name)!

Original notebook Open In Colab

New simplified notebook Open In Colab

This will require that you have an Nvidia GPU or AMD GPU

  • Recommended: 16GB VRAM
  • Minimum Requirements: 4GB VRAM (Using VERY LOW settings, see usage instructions below)



Install using pip. It's always recommended to use a virtualenv if you are exploring several projects which use Torch, Tensorflow, etc.

$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install deep-daze

Windows Install

Install Python 3.6+ and install using pip. Like with Linux you shouldn't install this globally. If you have more than one Python installation confirm which is set in your path.

> python --version
Python 3.9.2

Or if you have Python 2 and 3 installed.

> python3 --version
Python 3.9.2

Create your virtualenv and install the package.

> python -m venv env
> .\env\Scripts\activate
> pip install deep-daze

Verifying your Installation

Check that your Torch package was installed with CUDA enabled by running this one liner.

python -c "import torch; x = (torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else None); print(x)"

If the only output is None then you need to confirm that the CUDA drivers are installed and accessible. This will apply to Windows and Linux systems.

Windows with a RTX 2070

> python -c "import torch; x = (torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else None); print(x)"
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070

An AWS Deep Learning instance with a Tesla T4.

$ python -c "import torch; x = (torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else None); print(x)"
Tesla T4

A Windows laptop without the CUDA drivers installed.

> python -c "import torch; x = (torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else None); print(x)"


$ imagine "a house in the forest"

For Windows:

> .\env\Scripts\activate
> imagine "a house in the forest"

That's it. If you have enough memory, you can get better quality by adding a --deeper flag

$ imagine "shattered plates on the ground" --deeper

By default this will output an image every 100 iterations, and 20 epochs with 1050 iterations results in 210 images from where you are running it. You can pass the --output_folder parameter and it will recursively create the directories and place the generated files in there instead of where you ran the command.

For Linux

$ imagine "a house in the forest" --output_folder="~/deep/thoughts"

For Windows

$ imagine "a house in the forest" --output_folder="C:\users\name\Documents\deepthoughts"


In true deep learning fashion, more layers will yield better results. Default is at 16, but can be increased to 32 depending on your resources.

$ imagine "stranger in strange lands" --num-layers 32




    imagine <flags>

        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        (required) A phrase less than 77 characters which you would 
        like to visualize.
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        The path to a jpg or png image which you would like to imagine. 
        Can be combined with text.
        Default: 1e-05
        The learning rate of the neural net.
        Default: 16
        The number of hidden layers to use in the Siren neural net.
        Default: 256
        The hidden layer size of the Siren net.
        Default: 4
        The number of generated images to pass into Siren before calculating loss. 
        Decreasing this can lower memory and accuracy.
        Default: 4
        Calculate a weighted loss of n samples for each iteration. 
        Increasing this can help increase accuracy with lower batch sizes.
        Default: 20
        The number of epochs to run.
        Default: 1050
        The number of times to calculate and backpropagate loss in a given epoch.
        Default: 100
        Generate an image every time iterations is a multiple of this number.
        Default: 512
        The desired resolution of the image.
        Default: False
        Uses a Siren neural net with 32 hidden layers.
        Default: False
        Whether or not to overwrite existing generated images of the same name.
        Default: True
        Whether or not to save images generated before training Siren is complete.
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        A seed to be used for deterministic runs.
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        The path to the folder to output the generated images, otherwise it will 
        generate them in the directory you are running it from.
        Default: True
        Whether or not to open a folder showing your generated images.
        Default: False
        Save files with a timestamp prepended 
        e.g. `%y%m%d-%H%M%S-my_phrase_here.png`
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        Path to the image you would like to prime the generator with initially
        Default: 50
        Number of iterations for priming, defaults to 50
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        Hyperparameter describing the frequency of the color space. 
        Only applies to the first layer of the network.
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        Hyperparameter describing the frequency of the color space. 
        Only applies to the hidden layers of the network.
        Default: 0.0003
        Learning rate for the start image training.
        Default: 0.1
        The lower bound for the cutouts used in generation.
        Default: 1.0
        The upper bound for the cutouts used in generation.
        Default: False
        If True, the LOWER_BOUND_CUTOUT is linearly increased to 0.75 
        during training.
        Default: False
        Creates a story by optimizing each epoch on a new sliding-window 
        of the input words. If this is enabled, much longer texts than 77 
        chars can be used. Requires save_progress to visualize the 
        transitions of the story.
        Default: 5
        Only used if create_story is True. How many words to optimize 
        on for the first epoch.
        Default: 5
        Only used if create_story is True. How many words to add to the 
        optimization goal per epoch after the first one.
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        Only used if create_story is True. Defines a separator like '.' that 
        splits the text into groups for each epoch. Separator needs to be in 
        the text otherwise it will be ignored!
        Default: 0.3
        How much to weigh the averaged features of the random cutouts over the 
        individual random cutouts. Increasing this value leads to more details 
        being represented at the cost of some global coherence and a 
        parcellation into smaller scenes.
        Default: False
        Whether to use sampling from a Gaussian distribution instead of a 
        uniform distribution.
        Default: 0.6
        The mean of the Gaussian sampling distribution.
        Default: 0.2
        The standard deviation of the Gaussian sampling distribution.
        Default: True
        Default: False
        Whether to use a Gaussian distribution centered around the center of 
        the image to sample the locations of random cutouts instead of a 
        uniform distribution. Leads to the main generated objects to be more 
        focused in the center.
        Default: 2
        How much to focus on the center if using center_bias. 
        std = sampling_range / center_focus. 
        High values lead to a very correct representation in the center but 
        washed out colors and details towards the edges,
        Default: True
        Whether to use the jit-compiled CLIP model. The jit model is faster, 
        but only compatible with torch version 1.7.1.
        Default: False
        Only used if save_progress is True. Saves a GIF animation of the 
        generation procedure using the saved frames.
        Default: False
        Only used if save_progress is True. Saves a MP4 animation of the 
        generation procedure using the saved frames.
        Default: 'ViT-B/32'
        The model name to use. Options are RN50, RN101, RN50x4, and ViT-B/32.
        Default: 'AdamP'
        The optimizer to use. options are Adam, AdamP, and DiffGrad.


Technique first devised and shared by Mario Klingemann, it allows you to prime the generator network with a starting image, before being steered towards the text.

Simply specify the path to the image you wish to use, and optionally the number of initial training steps.

$ imagine 'a clear night sky filled with stars' --start_image_path ./cloudy-night-sky.jpg
Primed starting image Then trained with the prompt A pizza with green pepper.

Optimize for the interpretation of an image

We can also feed in an image as an optimization goal, instead of only priming the generator network. Deepdaze will then render its own interpretation of that image:

$ imagine --img samples/Autumn_1875_Frederic_Edwin_Church.jpg
Original image The network's interpretation
Original image The network's interpretation

Optimize for text and image combined

$ imagine "A psychedelic experience." --img samples/hot-dog.jpg

The network's interpretation:

New: Create a story

The regular mode for texts only allows 77 tokens. If you want to visualize a full story/paragraph/song/poem, set create_story to True. Given the poem below:

Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost - "Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.".

We get:



Invoke deep_daze.Imagine in Python

from deep_daze import Imagine

imagine = Imagine(
    text = 'cosmic love and attention',
    num_layers = 24,

Save progress every fourth iteration

Save images in the format insert_text_here.00001.png, insert_text_here.00002.png, ...up to (total_iterations % save_every)

imagine = Imagine(

Prepend current timestamp on each image.

Creates files with both the timestamp and the sequence number.

e.g. 210129-043928_328751_insert_text_here.00001.png, 210129-043928_512351_insert_text_here.00002.png, ...

imagine = Imagine(

High GPU memory usage

If you have at least 16 GiB of vram available, you should be able to run these settings with some wiggle room.

imagine = Imagine(

Average GPU memory usage

imagine = Imagine(

Very low GPU memory usage (less than 4 GiB)

If you are desperate to run this on a card with less than 8 GiB vram, you can lower the image_width.

imagine = Imagine(
    gradient_accumulate_every=16 # Increase gradient_accumulate_every to correct for loss in low batch sizes

VRAM and speed benchmarks:

These experiments were conducted with a 2060 Super RTX and a 3700X Ryzen 5. We first mention the parameters (bs = batch size), then the memory usage and in some cases the training iterations per second:

For an image resolution of 512:

  • bs 1, num_layers 22: 7.96 GB
  • bs 2, num_layers 20: 7.5 GB
  • bs 16, num_layers 16: 6.5 GB

For an image resolution of 256:

  • bs 8, num_layers 48: 5.3 GB
  • bs 16, num_layers 48: 5.46 GB - 2.0 it/s
  • bs 32, num_layers 48: 5.92 GB - 1.67 it/s
  • bs 8, num_layers 44: 5 GB - 2.39 it/s
  • bs 32, num_layers 44, grad_acc 1: 5.62 GB - 4.83 it/s
  • bs 96, num_layers 44, grad_acc 1: 7.51 GB - 2.77 it/s
  • bs 32, num_layers 66, grad_acc 1: 7.09 GB - 3.7 it/s

@NotNANtoN recommends a batch size of 32 with 44 layers and training 1-8 epochs.

Where is this going?

This is just a teaser. We will be able to generate images, sound, anything at will, with natural language. The holodeck is about to become real in our lifetimes.

Please join replication efforts for DALL-E for Pytorch or Mesh Tensorflow if you are interested in furthering this technology.


Big Sleep - CLIP and the generator from Big GAN


    title  = {CLIP: Connecting Text and Images},
    author = {Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, Jong Wook Kim, Gretchen Krueger, Sandhini Agarwal},
    year   = {2021}
    title   = {Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions},
    author  = {Vincent Sitzmann and Julien N. P. Martel and Alexander W. Bergman and David B. Lindell and Gordon Wetzstein},
    year    = {2020},
    eprint  = {2006.09661},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.CV}


Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%