Tawfiqh / ToyChatApp

A sample chat app to try out Vue+Node.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Put our development vue app into a new folder. That compiles into the dist folder, that we can serve

  2. From Vue. Have a button that requests an emoji from a node backend.

  3. Move chat page into Vue. At a new route.

  4. Make chat page a vue-component. Submit button needs to bind to a vue-method. ul needs to be bound to a view/for loop.

  5. Status page.

  6. Refactor sockets login into a clean sockets module.

  7. Database to store chats

  8. Fix bug with reconnecting after some time

  9. Server - Write unit tests for helloWorld and emoji Endpoints.

  10. Server - Refactor endpoints into setup functions. e.g: setupHelloWorldEndpoint();

  11. Login page - You enter a login ID and then you’re in the chat room and it posts messages with your name.

  12. Type the name of the chat-room you want to join and then it only gives you messages from that room.

  13. Separate dependencies into dev-dependencies and dependencies.

Bonus: Save login and chat history to database.

How to run

install dependencies - runs for server and client.

$ npm run setup

build client

$ npm run build-client

serve with hot reload at localhost:8081

$ npm run serve

build for production with minification

$ npm run build





A sample chat app to try out Vue+Node.


Language:JavaScript 60.4%Language:Vue 34.6%Language:HTML 3.2%Language:CSS 1.7%