TatsuyaShirakawa / torch2ort

Converting PyTorch models and run them on ONNX Runtime backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository provide a snippet to convert PyTorch models to .onnx format and run them on the onnxruntime backend.

A small benchmarking script and its results are provided (up to around 4x speedup on cpu!)


  • Pytorch


import torch2ort

model = ...  # your PyTorch model
sample_inputs = ...  # input sample for the model (model(*args) must be a valid invocation of the model)

# export the model parameter
torch2ort(model, sample_inputs, 'model.onnx')


  • if the model has multiple inputs/outputs, specify the input_names/output_names.
  • if the resulting model should run with dynamic input sizes, specify the dynamic_axes.

see the PyTorch's official document for detail.

benchmarking result

benchmark.py is provided as a sample scripts and it's also used as a benchmarking PyTorch vs ONNX Runtiem.

$ PYTHONPATH=. python benchmark.py && python write_table.py > table.md

The following is the result on my environment.

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6800K CPU @ 3.40GHz
  • PyTorch 1.3.0
  • ONNX Runtime 1.1.0
export to onnx pytorch loading onnxruntime loading pytorch inference onnxruntime inference inference speedup
AlexNet 0.9811 0.38704 0.368711 0.3341 0.28626 1.1670
DenseNet 6.1644 0.13341 0.109668 1.1213 0.84672 1.3243
GoogLeNet 1.7894 1.15746 0.039746 1.1585 0.33369 3.4717
Inception3 4.1139 1.93306 0.208725 1.1586 0.67515 1.7161
MobileNetV2 1.3818 0.05635 0.023670 0.5208 0.40347 1.2908
SqueezeNet 0.2814 0.01831 0.007411 0.5552 0.21223 2.6160
alexnet 0.9399 0.34310 0.356806 0.3250 0.28313 1.1478
densenet121 6.1252 0.11990 0.102589 1.1197 0.87489 1.2798
densenet161 11.2434 0.35648 0.324227 2.3424 1.88442 1.2431
densenet169 11.5896 0.20542 0.207295 1.5468 1.06526 1.4520
densenet201 16.2522 0.26958 0.288477 1.8082 1.39373 1.2974
googlenet 1.8890 1.07623 0.042628 1.1854 0.36347 3.2612
inception_v3 4.1494 1.91553 0.225508 0.9857 0.68757 1.4335
mnasnet0_5 1.2311 0.04131 0.020212 0.3349 0.35842 0.9345
mnasnet0_75 1.3830 0.07538 0.023905 0.5092 0.39709 1.2823
mnasnet1_0 1.3296 0.06462 0.029505 0.4595 0.56778 0.8093
mnasnet1_3 1.2824 0.10391 0.035885 0.5171 0.67696 0.7638
mobilenet_v2 1.4721 0.05825 0.026072 0.5295 0.40873 1.2954
resnet101 5.0237 0.49024 0.372793 1.6979 1.75562 0.9671
resnet152 9.9498 0.69135 0.536964 2.2374 2.43889 0.9174
resnet18 0.4048 0.12684 0.042950 0.5068 0.37365 1.3563
resnet34 0.9720 0.23753 0.108595 0.7009 0.77761 0.9014
resnet50 1.6556 0.27452 0.155284 1.1346 0.89928 1.2617
resnext101_32x8d 5.6422 0.95038 0.552027 3.0462 3.42194 0.8902
resnext50_32x4d 1.6075 0.27081 0.151423 1.2252 1.02581 1.1944
shufflenet_v2_x0_5 1.8927 0.02315 0.018735 0.2448 0.06722 3.6411
shufflenet_v2_x1_0 1.9067 0.02840 0.022499 0.3453 0.12990 2.6581
shufflenet_v2_x1_5 1.9033 0.04769 0.027738 0.3676 0.19524 1.8829
shufflenet_v2_x2_0 1.9355 0.05266 0.039547 0.4784 0.31223 1.5321
squeezenet1_0 0.2926 0.01919 0.008320 0.5753 0.27552 2.0880
squeezenet1_1 0.2910 0.01884 0.008188 0.3095 0.10929 2.8316
vgg11 1.9824 1.50417 0.615598 1.5383 1.39883 1.0997
vgg11_bn 2.1148 1.50543 0.631828 1.7939 1.40683 1.2751
vgg13 2.0346 1.46172 0.637871 1.8819 2.00731 0.9375
vgg13_bn 2.1282 1.50485 0.652634 2.3694 2.02672 1.1691
vgg16 2.1572 1.51867 0.657221 2.2836 2.58640 0.8829
vgg16_bn 2.2916 1.56916 0.673388 2.4494 2.54326 0.9631
vgg19 2.3379 1.62409 0.675378 3.1279 3.11363 1.0046
vgg19_bn 2.4367 1.56127 0.696483 2.7655 3.08861 0.8954
wide_resnet101_2 6.2284 1.35643 0.939198 3.6419 3.89191 0.9358
wide_resnet50_2 2.1915 0.70986 0.392496 2.0093 1.97991 1.0148


Converting PyTorch models and run them on ONNX Runtime backend

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%