Tat2edup99's starred repositories


A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.


🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.



An open source, lightweight note-taking service. Easily capture and share your great thoughts.


The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.



Flipper Zero firmware source code



🎤⌨️ Acoustic keyboard eavesdropping



(⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.



This program show you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you.



Multi-tool for semantic search



This tool extracts Credit card numbers, NTLM(DCE-RPC, HTTP, SQL, LDAP, etc), Kerberos (AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23), HTTP Basic, SNMP, POP, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, etc from a pcap file or from a live interface.


Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks.



RFSec-ToolKit is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools.无线通信协议相关的工具集,可借助SDR硬件+相关工具对无线通信进行研究。Collect with ♥ by HackSmith


This repository is DEPRECATED, please use bettercap as this tool has been ported to its BLE modules.


Termux add-on app allowing programs to be run at boot.


LTE SDR cell scanner optimized to work with very low performance RF front ends (8bit A/D, 20dB noise figure)



A wanna be swiss army knife for data encryption, exfiltration and covert communication.



This software will emulate a smali source file generated by apktool.



A crossplatform mDNS enumeration tool.



*FotoSploit* $ git clone https://github.com/Cesar-Hack-Gray/FotoSploit $ cd FotoSploit $ chmod +x * $ bash install sh $ ./FotoSploit $ show options ================================================= *instalar metasploit no termux(Facilmente)* comandos para instalar metasploit no termux 1:   apt update && apt upgrade 2:   apt install curl 3:    curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh 4:     ls 5:     chmod 777 metasploit.sh 6:     ls 7:     ./metasploit.sh (Carregandooooo) 8:    msfconsole ================================================= *EchoPwn* Instalação git clone https://github.com/hackerspider1/EchoPwn.git cd EchoPwn chmod +x install.sh EchoPwn.sh ./install.sh EchoPwn.sh ================================================= *DarkFly-Tool* Instalação apt update && apt upgrade apt install git git clone https://github.com/Ranginang67/DarkFly-Tool cd DarkFly-Tool chmod +x * python2 install.py ================================================= *Tool-x* Instalação apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/Tool-X.git cd Tool-X chmod +x install.aex sh install.aex ou  ./install.aex ================================================= *Multi_Phish* pkg instalar droplet pkg instalar openssh pkg instalar git pkg instalar curl pkg instalar wget apt instalar git php -y git clone https://github.com/perjayro/MultiPhish.git cd phish chmod 777 phish.sh bash phish.sh ================================================= *Pentest Tools Framework* git clone https://github.com/pikpikcu/Pentest-Tools-Framework.git cd Pentest-Tools-Framework pip install -r require.txt python install.py python ptf.py ================================================= *Destroyer-framework* ⭕️LINUX git clone https://github.com/Cesar-Hack-Gray/Destroyer-framework cd Destroyer-framework ls bash install.sh ./Destroyer ⭕️TERMUX apt upgrede -y && pkg update -y apt install -y apt install -y curl apt install git git clone https://github.com/Cesar-Hack-Gray/Destroyer-framework cd Destroyer-framework ls bash install.sh ./Destroyer ================================================= *NIKTO* Instalação git clone https://github.com/sullo/nikto apt-get install openssl libcrypt-ssleay-perl Uso de proxys: perl nikto.pl -h localhost -p 8080 -useproxy proxyIp Atualizando Nikto: perl nikto.pl -update ================================================= *SocialFish* Instalação $ apt update && upgrade $ apt install git $ apt install python2 $ git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/SocialFish.git $ cd SocialFish $ chmod +x * $ pip2 install -r requirements.txt ================================================= *Opal [ATUALIZADO]* git clone https://github.com/shadowlabscc/ProjectOpal.git cd ProjectOpal python opal.py python Injector.py ================================================= *Kit de ferramentas para bugbounty. #CVEs* https://github.com/Medicean/VulApps https://github.com/qazbnm456/awesome-cve-poc https://github.com/tunz/js-vuln-db https://github.com/cve-search/cve-search https://github.com/nixawk/labs https://github.com/Coalfire-Research/java-deserialization-exploits https://github.com/Metnew/uxss-db https://github.com/TH3xACE/SUDO_KILLER https://github.com/Mr-xn/Penetration_Testing_POC https://github.com/toolswatch/vFeed ================================================= *Para pegar informações* 1️⃣ Phone In Foga https://github.com/sundowndev/PhoneInfoga 2️⃣ In Foga - Email https://github.com/m4ll0k/Infoga 3️⃣ Angry Fuzz3r https://github.com/ihebski/angryFuzzer 4️⃣ Hakku Framework https://github.com/4shadoww/hakkuframework 5️⃣ Knock Mail https://github.com/4w4k3/KnockMail 6️⃣ Santet Online https://github.com/Gameye98/santet-online 7️⃣ The Harvester https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester 8️⃣ Optiva Framework https://github.com/joker25000/Optiva-Framework 9️⃣ Cyber Scan https://github.com/medbenali/CyberScan 🔟 Gloom Framework https://github.com/StreetSec/Gloom-Framework ================================================= *OXID Tools* git clone https://github.com/oxyda-fox/OXIDTools.git cd OXIDTools chmod +x * . /setup.sh . /run.sh ================================================= *xShock* Instalação git clone https://github.com/capture0x/xShock/ cd xShock pip3 install -r requirements.txt Executar python3 main.py ================================================= *Web Pentest* Instalação apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install python2 apt install python git clone https://github.com/cr4shcod3/pureblood cd pureblood chmod +x * pip install -r requirements.txt Uso python2 pureblood.py ================================================= *Quack* Requisitos apt update && apt upgrade -y termux-setup-storage pkg install -y git pkg install -y python pip install --upgrade pip pip install requests Instalação git clone https://github.com/entynetproject/quack cd quack pip install -r requirements.txt chmod +x quack ================================================= *Thoron Framework* git clone https://github.com/entynetproject/thoron.git cd thoron chmod + x install.sh ./install.sh ================================================= *BlackPhish* git clone https://github.com/Ahmedmahmed8a/BlackPhish cd BlackPhish bash installer.sh ================================================= *RapidPayload* git clone https://github.com/AngelSecurityTeam/RapidPayload cd RapidPayload bash install.sh python3 RapidPayload.py ================================================= *Termux_ExtraKeys* apt update && apt upgrade -y apt install git -y git clone https://github.com/Fabrix07Hack/Termux_ExtraKeys.git cd Termux_ExtraKeys chmod 777 * ./extrakeys_Termux ================================================= *PyReconExSploit* apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install exploitdb netcat nmap perl php git clone https://github.com/AkutoSai/PyReconExSploit cd PyReconExSploit/ python3 setup.py install cp -r /home/user/Desktop/PyReconExSploit/pyreconexsploit /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages pyreconexsploit ================================================= *Evil Framework* apt update apt upgrade pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/Evil-create-framework cd Evil-create-framework python2 vcrt.py show android help Escolha um virus create virus"seu virus" SET OUTPUT cd /sdcard SET VIRUS NAME "nome do seu virus" run ================================================= *Wifite* apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install python2 git clone https://github.com/derv82/wifite2 ls cd wifite ls python2 wifite.py ================================================= *MALICIOUS* $ termux-setup-storage $ cd /sdcard $ apt install git $ apt install python2 $ apt install ruby $ gem install lolcat $ git clone https://github.com/Hider5/Malicious $ cd Malicious $ pip2 install -r requirements.txt $ python2 malicious.py ================================================= *Hammer* apt update apt-get install python -y apt install git apt install python3 git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer ls cd hammer chmod +x hammer.py python3 hammer.py  -s (alvo) -p 80 -t 150 ================================================= *VIRUS X* $ apt update && apt upgrade $ apt install git $ apt install python $ git clone https://github.com/TSMaitry/VirusX.git $ cd VirusX $ chmod +x VirusX.py $ python2 VirusX.py ================================================= *INFECT* $ apt-get update -y $ apt-get upgrade -y $ apt install python -y $ apt install python2 -y $ apt install git -y $ pip install lolcat $ git clone https://github.com/noob-hackers/Infect $ ls $ cd infect $ ls $ bash infect.sh ================================================= *F-Society Framework* (Instalação) apt install git apt install python2 (Instalação do pacote) git clone https://github.com/Manisso/fsociety ls cd fsociety ls chmod +x fsociety.py ./install.sh python2 fsociety.py ================================================= *MyServer* Abra o termux e digite os seguintes comandos. apt update apt install git git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/MyServer cd MyServer chmod +x install ./install ================================================= *AirCrack-ng* apt update apt install root-repo apt install aircrack-ng ================================================= *RouterSploit* apt update && apt upgrade apt install python -y pip2 install apt install git git clone https://github.com/threat9/routersploit ls cd routersploit pip2 install -r requirements -dev.txt pip install future ls python rsf.py ================================================= *Shell Phish* apt update apt upgrade -y termux-setup-storage apt installl git git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/shellphish cd shellphish apt installl php apt install curl git clone https://github.com/PSecurity/ps.ngrok cd ps.ngrok mv ngrok /data/data/com.termux/files/home/shellphish/ cd .. rm -rf ps.ngrok chmod +x ngrok chmod +x shellphish.sh bash shellphish.sh # Ao Iniciar: cd shellphish bash shellphish.sh comandos : pkg install clang git clone https://github.com/XCHADXFAQ77X/XERXES ls cd XERXES ls chmod +x * ls clang xerxes.c -o xerxes ./xerxes exemplo: website.com.br 80 galera lembrando nao bote HTTPS nem www so o nome do site exemplo : website.com.br ``` ALGUNS COMANDOS DO TERMUX BY: BAN``` apt update && apt upgrade termux-setup-storage apt install git apt install net-tools apt install termux-tools apt install neofetch apt install ncurses-utils apt install curl curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh chmod +x metasploit.sh ./metasploit.sh msfconsole ____________________________________________ https://github.com/PSecurity/ps.ngrok termux-setup-storage apt update && apt upgrade -y pkg update && pkg upgrade -y apt install curl pkg install git git clone https://github.com/PSecurity/ps.ngrok cd ps.ngrok mv ngrok /data/data/com.termux/files/home cd .. chmod +x ngrok ./ngrok ( chave de ativação NGROK) ./ngrok http 80 ________________________________________________ apt update Apt install python2 Apt install git Git clone https://github.com/evait-security/weeman ls cd weeman chmod +x * python2 weeman.py Set url (url) set action_url (url) run (→Abra outra página←) cd .. ./ngrok http 8080 ____________________________________________ apt update apt upgrade apt git git clone https://github.com/liorvh/hammer-1 cd hammer-1 chmod +x * python hammer.py python hammer.py -s (site + www) -t 256 -p 80 ___________________________________________________ apt install git Pkg install clang Faça a instalação do Script git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes Entre no diretório cd xerxes Digite o comando clang xerxes.c -o xerxes Agora e só inicia o Ataque ./xerxes website.com 80 ____________________________________________ apt update && apt upgrade apt install php apt install python2 apt install toilet apt install git git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITESPAM cd LITESPAM ls sh LITESPAM.sh As opções aparecerão como mostrado abaixo, você apenas escolhe qual bomba de spam SMS será executada ____________________________________________ $ pkg update $ pkg upgrade $ pkg install git $ pkg install php $ pkg install toilet $ pkg install python2 $ gem install lolcat $ pip2 install requests $ pip2 install termcolor $ git clone https://github.com/mbest99/MIXINGS.git $ cd MIXINGS $ bash 0ppay.sh Features:- [ 1] PHISING V1 [ 2] PHISING V2 [ 3] PHISING V3 [ 4] PHISING V4 [ 5] PHISING GAME [ 6] Hack fb target [ 7] Hack fb massal [ 8] Hack fb Target+Massal [ 9] Hack FB ans (#root) [10] Hack Instagram (#root) [11] Hack Twitter (#root) [12] Hack Gmail (#root) [13] Fb Info [14] Santet Online [15] Spam IG [16] Spam WA [17] Spam Sms [18] Youtube AutoView (#root) ____________________________________________ No termux, pra adiantar... pkg install nodejs Em seguida, crie um aplicativo e guarde o nome dele https://www.heroku.com/ $ pkg install git -y $ termux-setup-storage $ ls $ git clone -b herooku https://github.com/XploitWizer/XploitSPY $ cd XploitSPY $ ls $ pkg install nodejs $ npm install heroku -g $ heroku login -i $ heroku git:remote -a nomedoapp $ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/jvm $ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs $ git push heroku herooku:master ____________________________________________ PERSONALIZAR TERMUX apt update && apt upgrade -y pkg install nano pkg install vim cd ../usr/etc ls vim bash.bashrc Precione a letra (I) para editar o texto Depois vc apaga a seguinte mensagem que aparece no termux " PS1='\$ ' " E cola isso → PS1="\033[1;32m ╔\033[0m""\033[1;31m[ \033m""\033[1;32m SEU NOME AKI\033[0m""\033[1;31m @\033[0m""\033[1;32m║\033[0m""\033[1;37m ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡\033[0m""\033[1;32m ╚▶ " Coloca o seu nome onde tá escrito " seu nome aqui" Para sair vc clica no ESC + : + x aí você dê enter. Depois de o comando exit e dê enter, dps é só abrir dnovo ;> ____________________________________________ pkg update && pkg upgrade $pkg install python2 $pip2 install requests $pip2 install mechanize $pkg install git $git clone https://github.com/ARIYA-CYBER/NEW $cd NEW $python2 FbNew.py ____________________________________________ https://github.com/Paxv28/CrusherDDoS apt install git apt install python cd CrusherDDoS chmod +x Setup.sh ./Setup.sh python CSDDoS.py


Simple Python IP Tracker



RCS Agent for Windows (64bit)




Transferring Backdoor Payload by BSSID and Wireless traffic


bettercap official documentation and website contents


Social Engineering: Simple way to make a fake file for Backdoors






TCPMon v3.1 or (4.0) was a very old Code which made by me in C# for Monitoring TCP Connection via Native APIs (was fun in that time ;D)






here you get awesome hacking tools and commands for kali and termux



This is most powerful and use full tool for every ethical hacker and linux or termux user,after installing this script your termux or linux enviroment totaly change and look awesome
