Tastenkunst / TKLC

A wrapper for Local Connection APIs of several Ad Server Providers like FlashTalking, Adform, DoubleClick, Sizmek, general postMessage etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version: TKLC_151129_v1.1.0

Date: 2015-11-29
Docs, examples, updates at: https://github.com/Tastenkunst/TKLC

Copyright (c) 2015, Tastenkunst GmbH. All rights reserved.

Includes support for the following Local Connection APIs:

  • postMessage
  • postMessage bridge (for test embedding of LC ads in one html file )
  • sessionStorage (not allowed on all Google Ad platforms, will also fail with Third-Party-Cookies disabled in browser settings)
  • DirectMessage (TKLC implementation of direct javascript access of same origin iframes)
  • FlashTalking talk Method (based on postMessage)
  • FlashTalking Talk class (based on a DirectMessage approach)
  • Adform (based on postMessage)
  • IQ Digital (+ their postMessage Message Bridge)

DirectMessage will also work on

  • MediaMind/Sizmek and
  • DoubleClick,
    if ads are served as same origin for an ad placement.
@author: Marcel Klammer, m.klammer@tastenkunst.com

Single Download of current release:


Example Previews:

tklib.TKLC.API__DIRECT_MESSAGE (recommended for same origin placements)


tklib.TKLC.API__POST_MESSAGE (recommended for cross domain placements)

https://tastenkunst.s3.amazonaws.com/libs/tklc/releases/v1.1.0/postmessage/728x90_200x600/index_bridge_simple.html https://tastenkunst.s3.amazonaws.com/libs/tklc/releases/v1.1.0/postmessage/728x90_200x600/index_bridge_tklc.html

tklib.TKLC.API__SESSION_STORAGE (not recommended, since Google doesn't allow it and disabled third party cookies prevent it)


tklib.TKLC.API__FLASHTALKING_DM (DirectMessage approach, recommended for FT placements, since they are usually same origin)


tklib.TKLC.API__FLASHTALKING_PM (postMessage)


tklib.TKLC.API__DIRECT_MESSAGE (DirectMessage working on FlashTalking, leave out the communication part in the manifest.js, NOT recommended for FT placements)




Swiffy Wallpaper (example uses API__DIRECT_MESSAGE, but could be any other method)


Sizmek/MediaMind (example uses API__DIRECT_MESSAGE)


DoubleClickStudio (example uses API__DIRECT_MESSAGE), yeah I know it looks stupid, but can't do much about it


Current state of HTML local connection ads:

There is no standard yet. It breaks down to two situations:

window.top (site embedding the ads)

  • ad iframe 1: protocol: https:// - document.domain: s0.cdn.example.com
  • ad iframe 2: protocol: https:// - document.domain: s0.cdn.example.com
    -> same origin

window.top (site embedding the ads)

  • ad iframe 1: protocol: https:// - document.domain: s0.cdn.example.com
  • ad iframe 2: protocol: https:// - document.domain: s1.cdn.example.com
    -> different subdomains -> cross domain
        -> try to rewrite document.domain to cdn.example.com
            -> success only if cdn.example.com or example.com is no TLD -> same origin
            -> fail -> cross domain

same origin: tklib.TKLC.API__DIRECT_MESSAGE should perfectly work for developers, ad servers and publishers
cross domain: tklib.TKLC.API__POST_MESSAGE (in any form) is the way to go, but ad servers and publishers need to relay/bridge messages, which is a pain for all parties involved.

Conclusion: Get the Ad Servers and Publishers to the point where they go for the same subdomain for serving ads for one ad placement. E.g. all elements of a Wallpaper or Fireplace should be served from one subdomain, can't be that hard, uh?

Ad platforms:

  • Doesn't seem to have an own EB API solution.
  • Sizmek support suggested sessionStorage in September, but I won't use that for obvious reasons.
    -> Same origin: tklib.TKLC.API__DIRECT_MESSAGE works fine.
  • Has two own myFT API solutions:
    1. talk method (postMessage)
    1. Talk class (Direct Message approach), independent from publishers, since FT serves (usually?) all ads of one placement with same origin.
      -> Recommended: Use myFT Talk class (tklib.TKLC.API__FLASHTALKING_DM).
  • Has an own postMessage API.
    -> Recommended: Use their API (tklib.TKLC.API__ADFORM).
  • All APIs are possible, since
  • it just adds another layer of ExternalInterface.calls in the FLA file.


A wrapper for Local Connection APIs of several Ad Server Providers like FlashTalking, Adform, DoubleClick, Sizmek, general postMessage etc.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 84.1%Language:JavaScript 15.9%