TarrX / docker-gitlab-ce-subgit

A GitLab container with SubGit included

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Docker image: marq/gitlab-ce-subgit

GitLab's Community Edition, with SubGit v3.3.6 installed and cron running.

All of GitLab's Docker-related documentation remains valid; the only difference compared to the official Docker image(s) provided by GitLab HQ is that this image contains an installation of SubGit, a tool for migrating and even mirroring subversion and git source code repositories. In addition, one more volume (/etc/subgit) is exposed, allowing to store SubGit related things like a license key. Finally, the cron daemon is started up upon launching the image, and the corresponding system directory /etc/cron.d is also exported.

Subgit's SVN to Gitlab Howto is a worthwhile read. Note that his Docker image only contains the SubGit software, but no configuration or license files for it.


/etc/gitlab: Configuration of the GitLab server

/var/opt/gitlab: Repositories

/var/log/gitlab: Logfiles

/etc/subgit: Location for subgit.key (if available, SubGit will find it there)

/etc/cron.d: Location for cron jobs (e.g., backups)


For GitLab itself, see http://doc.gitlab.com/omnibus/docker/.

For SubGit and Gitlab, see http://www.subgit.com/gitlab.html.

GitLab Versions and Tags

The images are in general tagged with the GitLab version they are based on, and follow the name naming scheme as the official releases. I handle these versioned tags manually; should I forget to update them, please raise a ticket at github. Thanks!

Finally, images with the :latest tag are automatically build from the official GitLab repository whenever GitLab HQ decides to push a new (even experimental) image.

SubGit Versions

Present images (those build after April 2019) are using Subgit v3.3.6, as does the :latest one.

For older images, previous SubGit versions were used. In particular:

  • Gitlab v9.5.2 up to v11.8.x, v11.9.8 and v11.10.1: Subgit v3.3.5
  • GitLab v9.0 up to v9.5.1: SubGit v3.2.5
  • GitLab v8.11 up to v8.17.8: SubGit v3.2.2

For a while, I was maintaining alternate images with the older v3.0.0 of SubGit included. The images can be distinguished by their tags, e.g.:

gitlab-ce-subgit:8.11.0-ee.1:        GitLab v8.11.0 (CE), SubGit v3.2.2
gitlab-ce-subgit:8.11.0-ee.1-3.0.0:  GitLab v8.11.0 (CE), SubGit v3.0.0

Since September 2016, however, v3.0.0 of SubGit was no longer available; hence, versions after v8.11.2 were build with later SubGit versions.


Bertrand Roussel provides at standalone Docker image (corfr/subgit | Github) for an alternative approach to use SubGit with (in fact any) dockerized git repository servers.

If you are looking for a Docker image combining GitLab's Enterprise Edition (EE) with SubGit, please check out marq/gitlab-ee-subgit.


A GitLab container with SubGit included


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