Tarikul-Islam-Anik / red-share

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Red Share

Red Share is a web app that works as a connecting hub for blood givers and the ones in need. The registered donors get an immediate notification when someone in need requests for emergency blood.


Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person — the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells, platelets and plasma — which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.

What it does

Red Share is a web app that works as a connecting hub for blood givers and the ones in need. The registered donors get an immediate notification when someone in need requests for emergency blood.

Tech Stack


[x] Authentication and authorization [x] User profile [x] Request for blood [x] Search for donors [] Map view of donors [] Email verification [] Blood group wise search [] Location wise search [] Notification for donors & recipients [] Chat between donors and recipients

Some of the features are still under development

Challenges we ran into:

  1. User Verification: Ensuring that the registered donors are genuine and eligible to donate blood was a significant challenge. We had to implement a robust verification process to validate the donors' identity and eligibility based on their medical history.

  2. Real-Time Notifications: Implementing a reliable real-time notification system was challenging. We needed to ensure that registered donors receive immediate alerts when someone in need requests emergency blood, while also considering factors like network delays and device compatibility.

  3. Privacy and Security: Handling sensitive medical data required strict adherence to privacy regulations. We had to implement encryption and data protection measures to safeguard users' personal information and medical history.

  4. Scaling and Performance: As the platform's popularity grows, we anticipated a large number of users simultaneously accessing the platform. Ensuring the app's scalability and performance to handle increased traffic was a considerable challenge.

  5. Matching Algorithm: Developing an efficient algorithm to match donors with specific blood types and the ones in need was complex. The algorithm had to consider factors like location, blood type compatibility, and urgency to find the best match quickly.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

  1. Successful User Base: We are proud of building a thriving user base of both blood donors and recipients. Knowing that our platform has facilitated life-saving connections brings us immense satisfaction.

  2. Responsive Design: Red Share is accessible from various devices, and we have successfully implemented a responsive design to offer a seamless experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

  3. Reliable Real-Time Notifications: Overcoming the challenges of real-time notifications, we have established a reliable system that ensures donors receive urgent requests promptly.

  4. Community Engagement: We have fostered an engaged community of blood donors who actively participate in blood donation drives and campaigns, increasing the availability of blood for those in need.

  5. Positive Impact: The platform has already facilitated numerous successful blood donations, and we are proud to have made a positive impact on people's lives.

What we learned:

  1. Medical Regulations: Developing Red Share required us to familiarize ourselves with various medical regulations and privacy laws to ensure compliance and user safety.

  2. User Experience: We learned the importance of prioritizing user experience to encourage more people to register and donate blood. Intuitive interfaces and clear instructions were crucial in achieving this.

  3. Handling Emergencies: Building a platform for emergency situations taught us the significance of reliability and quick response times in critical moments.

  4. Community Building: We understood the power of community engagement in fostering a culture of regular blood donation and support among users.

What's next for Red Share:

  1. Expanding Coverage: We plan to expand Red Share's reach to cover a broader geographical area, enabling more donors and recipients to connect.

  2. Introducing Blood Banks: Integrating with blood banks will help ensure a stable supply of blood and other blood products, even during periods of low donor activity.

  3. Multi-Language Support: To cater to a diverse user base, we will work on implementing multi-language support for the platform.

  4. Improved Matching Algorithm: We will continue refining the matching algorithm to make it even more efficient and accurate, saving time in emergency situations.

  5. Partnerships and Awareness Campaigns: Collaborating with medical institutions, NGOs, and conducting awareness campaigns will help spread the word about Red Share and encourage more people to participate in blood donation drives.

  6. Donor Rewards Program: Implementing a rewards program to acknowledge and appreciate regular donors, incentivizing them to continue their life-saving contributions.

  7. Mobile App Development: Building a dedicated mobile app will provide users with an even more convenient way to access Red Share and receive notifications.

  8. Integration with Healthcare Systems: Exploring the possibility of integrating Red Share with healthcare systems to streamline the process of blood requests and ensure seamless communication between medical facilities and donors.

Our journey with Red Share has just begun, and we are committed to continuously improving the platform to save more lives and make a lasting impact on the community we serve.


Mahadi Hassan Riyadh Tarikul Islam Anik Tarikul Islam Anik



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