TarikKaanKoc / molformer

this is for fun, ain't it grand!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Getting Started
    1. Pretrained Models and training logs
    2. Replicating Conda Environment
  2. Data
    1. PreTraining Datasets
    2. Finetunning Datasets
  3. PreTraining
  4. FineTunning
  5. Attention Visualization Analysis

Getting Started

This Code and Environment have been tested on Nvidia V100s

Pretrained Models and training logs

The Pretrained models and associated training logs are located in the /data directory in the following hierarchy.

├── checkpoints
|   └── linear_model.ckpt
|   └── full_model.ckpt
├── Full_Attention_Rotary_Training_Logs
│   ├── events.out.tfevents.1628698179.cccxc544.604661.0
│   └── hparams.yaml
└── Linear_Rotary_Training_Logs
    ├── events.out.tfevents.1620915522.cccxc406.63025.0
    └── hparams.yaml

Replicating Conda Environment

Due to the use of apex.optimizers in our code, Apex must be compiled from source. Step-by-step directions are provided in environment.md


PreTraining Datasets

The code expects zinc15 and pubchem datasets to be located in data/ directory

  • Zinc15 should be in located data/ZINC/ in and expected in multiple smi files with an smiles string per line.
  • PubChem should be located in ```data/pubchem/ and expects a single “CID-SMILES” text file with 2 columns (index and smiles string). We took the raw Pubchem dataset and converted every smiles molecule into the canonical form, utilizing rdkit, as well as trimmed down the file itself. Our dataloader expects Pubchem to be in our converted form and will not run on the raw pubchem file.

Finetunning Datasets

The code expects the finetunning datasets to be in the following hierarchy. These datasets wete provided in the finetune_datasets.zip

├── bace
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
├── bbbp
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
├── clintox
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
├── esol
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
├── freesolv
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
├── hiv
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
├── lipo
│   ├── lipo_test.csv
│   ├── lipo_train.csv
│   └── lipo_valid.csv
├── qm9
│   ├── qm9.csv
│   ├── qm9_test.csv
│   ├── qm9_train.csv
│   └── qm9_valid.csv
├── sider
│   ├── test.csv
│   ├── train.csv
│   └── valid.csv
└── tox21
    ├── test.csv
    ├── tox21.csv
    ├── train.csv
    └── valid.csv


To train a model from Scratch.


1. The code expects an datasets as described in [PreTraining Datasets](pretraining_datasets)
2. The code expects an environmnet as described in [environment.md](environment.md)

Running Training tasks

1. Activate Conda Environment
2. ```cd training```
3. ```bash run_pubchem_light.sh```



  1. The code expects an datasets as described in Finetunning Datasets
  2. The code expects an environmnet as described in environment.md

Running Finetune Tasks

To Finetune the pretrained model:

  1. Activate Conda Environment
  2. cd finetune
  3. bash run_finetune_mu.sh

Finetune Results

During Finetuning a diretory is created named checkpoint_<measure_name>. The path to the results csv will be in the form of ./checkpoint_<measure_name>/<measure_name>/results/results_.csv The results_.csv file contains 4 columns of data. Column one contains the validation score for each epoch while column 2 contains the test score for each epoch. Column 3 contains the best validation score observed up to that point of fine tuning while column 4 is the test score of the epoch which had the best validation score.

Attention Visualization Analysis

The notebooks directory provide attention visualization for two setup with Rotary Embeddings:

  • Linear attention (./notebooks/full_attention_rotary/attention_analysis_rotary_full.ipynb)
  • Full attention (./notebooks/linear_attention_rotary/attention_analysis_rotary_linear.ipynb)

The checkpoints required for the above models are to be placed in ./data/checkpoints


this is for fun, ain't it grand!

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 58.2%Language:Jupyter Notebook 40.8%Language:Shell 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%