Tarch1 / UNI

A simple non-graphical installation for Arch Artix and Void, with a check and elimination of those packages that could taint the installation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


sudo -E hw-probe -all -upload


ip a

rfkill unblock all

ip link set <> up


scan wifi


agent on

connect wifi_***_psk


git clone https://github.com/Tarch1/UNI

cd Arch-tix/

Adjust packages at the end of base_install

bash base_install

First setup use nmtui to connect on your network then personalize with

bash full_setup

Reboot and Enjoy!

Try to use https://gitea.arsenm.dev/Arsen6331/lure as AUR helper

DISABLING INTEL TURBO BOOST - https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CPU_frequency_scaling#Disabling_Turbo_Boost

echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo


In case of error with gdm use Ctrl+Alt+F2

Increase volume steps by: (less value = more steps)

    gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys volume-step 1

Remove shortcut that coz with super+($number) with:

    for i in {1..9}; do gsettings set "org.gnome.shell.keybindings" "switch-to-application-$i" "[]"; done

and check that they are properly unset with:

    gsettings list-recursively | grep switch-to-application | sort

A list of useful gnome extension:

Blur my Shell - Desktop Cube - Unite - Night Theme Switcher - Vitals

Icons and cursor theme

Use https://github.com/vinceliuice/Fluent-icon-theme

or Extract from secondary drive in /OS/Linux/ the theme inside /home/tarch1/.local/share/icons

Install Bottles from Flatpak for managing Windows apps.

Firefox SETUP

For Firefox use https://github.com/rafaelmardojai/firefox-gnome-theme

Start page https://github.com/victrme/Bonjourr


If gnome on wayland not start's on machine's with hybrid gpu try

ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules


If /etc/pipewire/ folder and its contents doesn't exist run

cp -r /usr/share/pipewire /etc/
cp -r /usr/share/wireplumber /etc/

than be sure /home/!!!your username!!!/.config/autostart/pipewire.desktop exist in case copy it :

cp ~/UNI/Conf_files/Pipewire/pipewire.desktop ~/.config/autostart/

and uncomment these 2 lines at the end of /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf

#{ path = "/usr/bin/pipewire" args = "-c pipewire-pulse.conf" }

- if you have installed pipewire-media-session

   #{ path = "/usr/bin/pipewire-media-session" args = "" }

- else if you have installed wireplumber replace the above command with

   { path = "wireplumber"  args = "" }

At the very end if everything else not worked in /etc/pulse/client.conf change from yes to no

autospawn = yes
;autospawn = yes


Steam launch script for dlss and RT



A simple non-graphical installation for Arch Artix and Void, with a check and elimination of those packages that could taint the installation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 95.6%Language:Haskell 4.4%