TarCV / sift-android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Sift - Unit and UI Tests Parallelization

How to use in local mode:

  • sift config run -c config.json run tests
  • sift config list -c config.json print all tests from the test APK

Example of config.json file (JSON format):

    "appPackage": "path to the APK of the application under test",
    "testPackage": "path to the test APK (the androidTest one)",
    "outputDirectoryPath": "path to the directory where tests results will be collected",
    "globalRetryLimit": 1, // attempts for retry for all tests in a run
    "testRetryLimit": 1, // attempts for retry for one test
    "testsExecutionTimeout": 120, // test timeout
    "setUpScriptPath": "script to execute on a node before each test bucket", // optional (not implemented yet)
    "tearDownScriptPath": "script to execute on a node after each test bucket", // optional (not implemented yet)
    "reportTitle": "Local HTML report title",
    "reportSubtitle": "Local HTML report subtitle, optional",
    "nodes": // array of nodes with connected devices
            "name": "Node-1", // (not implemented yet)
            "host": "", // (not implemented yet)
            "port": 22, // (not implemented yet)
            "username": "node-1", // (not implemented yet)
            "pathToCertificate": "path to SSH key/certificate", // (not implemented yet)
            "deploymentPath": "path where all necessary stuff will be stored on the node", // (not implemented yet)
            "UDID": {
                        "devices": ["device serials, this is an optional key"],
                        "simulators": ["(not supported yet) names of emulators (AVDs) to use for tests, this is an optional key)"]
            "androidSdkPath": "path to the Android SDK root directory",
            "environmentVariables": { // additional parameters passed to tests, this is an optional key
                "env1": "value1"
    "tests": [
        "Identifiers of tests to be included in a test run (use 'sift config list -c config.json' to list test identifiers)"


  • Android SDK
  • Java 8
  • Test APK should have androidTestImplementation 'io.engenious.sift-android:ondevice:$VERSION' dependency (or 'com.github.engeniousio.sift-android:ondevice:$VERSION' for SNAPSHOT versions)
    (optional, add it to run tests with complicated names or use various QoL helpers)

How to Build:

  • ./gradlew installDist


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 98.1%Language:Java 1.9%