Tano-Coppoletta / StudyPlan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exam #1: "Study Plan"

Student: s301131 Coppoletta Gaetano

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /: if the user is logged in it shows the courses and the study plan (if any) or the buttons to create a new study plan (if the study plan has not been created before), if the user is not logged in it shows only the courses.
  • Route /login: This route shows the login page, where the user can insert usename and password in order to perform authentication.
  • Route * : This routes redirect the user to /.

API Server

  • POST /api/sessions

    • Request parameters:
        username: "s000000@studenti.polito.it"
        password: "password0"
    • Response header: 201 (success)
    • Response body content:
    user: {
      id: 1,
      username: 's000000@studenti.polito.it',
      name: 'Michael Jordan'
  • GET /api/session/current

    • Request parameters: empty
    • Request body: empty
    • Response header: 200 OK (success), 401 Not authenticated
    • Response body content:
     user: {
     id: 1,
     username: 's000000@studenti.polito.it',
     name: 'Michael Jordan'
  • DELETE /api/sessions/current

    • Request parameters and body content: empty
    • Response header: 200 OK (success)
    • Response body content: empty
  • GET /api/courses

    • Return an array containing all courses sorted by name.
    • Request parameters and body content: empty
    • Response header: 200 OK (success), 500 Internal server error;
    • Response body: An array of courses sorted by name
        "code": "01UDFOV",
        "name": "Applicazioni web I",
        "credits": 6,
        "enrolled": 0,
        "maxstudents": null,
        "preparatory": null,
        "incompatible": [
            "Incompatible": "01TXYOV",
            "name": "Web Applications I"
        "code": "02GOLOV",
        "name": "Architetture dei sistemi di elaborazione",
        "credits": 12,
        "enrolled": 0,
        "maxstudents": null,
        "preparatory": null,
        "incompatible": [
            "Incompatible": "02LSEOV",
            "name": "Computer architectures"
      }, ....
  • GET api/studyPlanCourses

    • Get the courses of the studyPlan of the user
    • User id is provided by passport session
    • Request parameters and body conyent: empty
    • Response header: 200 OK (success), 500 Internal server error;
    • Response body: An array of courses
       "code": "01UDFOV",
       "name": "Applicazioni web I",
       "credits": 6,
       "enrolled": 0,
       "maxstudents": null,
       "preparatory": null,
       "incompatible": [
           "Incompatible": "01TXYOV",
           "name": "Web Applications I"
       "code": "02GOLOV",
       "name": "Architetture dei sistemi di elaborazione",
       "credits": 12,
       "enrolled": 0,
       "maxstudents": null,
       "preparatory": null,
       "incompatible": [
           "Incompatible": "02LSEOV",
           "name": "Computer architectures"
     }, ....
  • GET /api/hasStudyPlan

    • Get the study plan type of the user
    • User id is provided by passport session
    • Request parameters and body conyent: empty
    • Response header: 200 OK (success), 500 Internal server error;
    • Response body: The study plan type
    {StudyPlan: 'full-time'}
  • DELETE /api/studyPlan

    • Delete the study plan of the user
    • Request parameters and body conyent: empty
    • Response header: 204 OK (success), 500 Internal server error;
    • Response body: empty
  • PUT api/saveStudyPlan/:type

    • Modify the study plan of the user, delete the previous one and insert new one
    • User id is provided by passport session
    • Request parameters: type: 'full-time'
    • Request body:
         "code": "01UDFOV",
         "name": "Applicazioni web I",
         "credits": 6,
         "enrolled": 0,
         "maxstudents": null,
         "preparatory": null,
         "incompatible": [
             "Incompatible": "01TXYOV",
             "name": "Web Applications I"
         "code": "02GOLOV",
         "name": "Architetture dei sistemi di elaborazione",
         "credits": 12,
         "enrolled": 0,
         "maxstudents": null,
         "preparatory": null,
         "incompatible": [
             "Incompatible": "02LSEOV",
             "name": "Computer architectures"
       }, ....
    • Response header: 200 OK (success), 422 Validation of the constraints failed, 500 Internal server error;

Database Tables

  • Table Users - contains id, email, password, salt, name, StudyPlan
  • Table Courses - contains code, name, credits, maxstudents, preparatory, enrolled
  • Table StudyPlans - studentId, courseId
  • Table Incompatible_courses - Code, Incompatible

Main React Components

  • Homepage (in App.js): Renders the component that should always been visible e.g Navbar and alert message (if any)
  • StudyPlan (in StudyPlanTable.js): This components is used to render the study plan if the user has got one, if the user doesn't have a study plan, the buttons that allow the creation of a study plan are showed. It also contains the modal used in "edit" mode, this is showed only when the state "editable" is true.
  • MyModal (in MyModal.js): This component is showed only in "edit" mode. It allows the insertion or removal of the courses in the study plan.
  • CourseTable (in CourseTable.js): This componet is used to show the table containing all courses.
  • StudyPlanRow (in StudyPlanRow.js): It represents a row of the study plan table, both in the "/" route and in the modal, it colors in different way the row or show different icons according to the course information .
  • CourseRow (in CourseRow.js): It represents a row of the course table, both in the "/" route and in the modal, it colors in different way the row or show different icons according to the course information .
  • LoginForm (in AuthComponents.js): This components renders the login form



Users Credentials

Other information

  • Full courses:
    • Computer network technologies and services
    • Internet Video Streaming
    • Web Applications I



Language:JavaScript 94.9%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:CSS 1.8%