TanishqSingla / goodchatbot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Goodchatbot is a chat bot that accepts certain commands and using openai fetches the result.

Local setup


  • Nodejs - Make sure you have nodejs installed in your local machine. You can install nodejs from here.

To Locally setup the project, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependencies using this command
npm install
  1. Setup environment variables: The project supports multiple environments i.e production and development environment.

Production enviroment

  • For production enviroment create file named .env in the project folder.
  • Copy the enviroment variables from .env_example file present in the project folder to .env file.
  • Populate the enviroment variables with appropriate values.

Other enviroment For other environment create file named .env.<env_name>. Replace this env_name with the name of enviroment. E.g - If you're creating a development environment create a file named .env.development. Follow the last 2 steps mentioned above.

  1. Run the project Production mode To run the prduction environment use the following command
npm run start

Development mode The project includes script for development environment which supports hot reloading. You can run the proejct in development mode using

npm run dev

Run in Docker

Docker contianer runs in production mode.


  • .env file with proper env variables.
  • Mongodb atlas db

Mongodb setup To setup mongodb, follow these steps.

  • Login to mongodb atlas, create a db.
  • Create user and password to access the db.
  • Allow your local ip to access your db.
  • Follow the connect instructions of your db and copy that url to .env's MONGODB_URL variable.

Run the docker container You can run the docker using the following command

docker compose up --build

Troubleshoot Guide

  • Make sure the port in the env file and the host port for docker contianer is same. Currently the host port for docker container is 8080.



Language:JavaScript 58.5%Language:Dockerfile 16.2%Language:CSS 15.4%Language:EJS 9.8%