TangAL0203 / knowledge-distillation-pytorch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Exploring knowledge distillation of DNNs for efficient hardware solutions
  • Author: Haitong Li
  • Tool: Pytorch


  • A framework for exploring knowledge distillation (KD) experiments with flexibility
  • Hyperparameters defined by "params.json" universally (avoiding long argparser commands)
  • Easy hyperparameter searching and result synthesizing (as a table)
  • Progress bar, tensorboard support, and checkpoint saving/loading (utils.py)


  • Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/peterliht/knowledge-distillation-pytorch.git
  • Install the dependencies (including Pytorch)

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  • ./train.py: main entrance for train/eval with or without KD
  • ./experiments/: json files for each experiment; dir for hypersearch
  • ./model/: pre-defined teacher/student DNNs, dataloader, plus knowledge distillation (KD) loss
  • ./data_analysis/: matplotlib scripts for data analysis on KD


  • Since training with KD requires access to pre-trained models (in the eval() state), I will upload "best.pth.tar" checkpoints for teacher models (WideResNet, ResNext, PreResNet, DenseNet) somewhere else soon

  • Meanwhile, ResNet18 can be trained using train.py with specificed model name, which can then be used as the teacher model to train shallow CNN as described below

Train (dataset: CIFAR-10)

Note: all the hyperparameters can be found and modified in 'params.json' files

-- Train a 5-layer CNN with knowledge distilled from a pre-trained ResNet18 model

python train.py --model_dir experiments/cnn_distill

-- Train a ResNet18 model with knowledge distilled from a pre-trained ResNext29 teacher

python train.py --model_dir experiments/resnet18_distill/resnext_teacher

-- Hyperparameter search for a specified experiment ('parent_dir/params.json')

python search_hyperparams.py --parent_dir experiments/cnn_distill_alpha_temp

--Synthesize results of the hypersearch

python synthesize_results.py --parent_dir experiments/cnn_distill_alpha_temp


Quick takeaway (more details to be added):

  • Knowledge distillation provides regularization for both shallow DNNs and state-of-the-art DNNs
  • KD can also help in the scenarios of using unlabeled dataset and small amount of data for training






License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 80.8%Language:Python 19.2%