Profitable Dungeons is a free-to-play open-source game developed as part of the final project of the course "SSC0140 - Operating Systems I". Our goal for implementing the game was to practise multi-threading. More information can be found in this video (in Portuguese). In order to play, you can either download the latest release of the game (Windows only) or compile the game from the source code (instructions bellow).
In order to compile the game from source, you must have Qt5 installed on your machine. If you're a Linux user, the easiest way to install it is through a package manager. Check Qt wiki for more information on how to install it.
Using apt-get (debian-based distros):
sudo apt-get install qt5-default
Once you've Qt installed, simply open the game's project ("src" folder) with QtCreator, build the project and run the game executable inside the folder with the binaries.