TaleLearnCode / GettingDeeperIntoAzureFunctions

There is more to Azure Functions than just the HTTP trigger; come to see real-world examples of the different types of triggers and bindings.

Home Page:https://www.chadgreen.com/getting-deeper-into-azure-functions.html

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Beyond Hello World: Getting Deeper into Azure Functions

Presentation Title

Elevator Pitch

There is more to Azure Functions than just the HTTP trigger; come to see real-world examples of the different types of triggers and bindings.


You surely have seen the HTTP trigger within Azure Functions. Every presentation uses that trigger to show how awesome Azure Functions can be. But there is a bunch more you can do with Azure Functions using the other triggers and bindings, which makes Azure Functions a fantastic tool in your tool chest for solving all sorts of needs. So come and hear about these triggers and bindings and see real-world examples of how they have been employed in different solutions to solve real customer needs.


  • 45/60/75-minute session


  • .NET
  • Architecture
  • Azure
  • Azure Functions
  • C#
  • Cloud
  • Cloud-Native
  • Cloud-Native Architectures
  • Integrations
  • Serverless

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the different Azure Function bindings and triggers outside of the HTTP trigger.
  • See real-world examples of how Azure Functions have been used to solve real needs.
  • Learn how to use the Durable Functions extension to build orchestration processes that extend Azure Functions beyond your imagination.


Event Location Date Time Room Downloads
Beer City Code Grand Rapids, MI August 5, 2023 4:00 PM EDT Room 255 Slides
Prairie Dev Con Winnipeg Winnipeg, MB June 12, 2023 11:00 AM CDT A2 Slides


There are no additional resources for this presentation.

Email chadgreen@chadgreen.com to have Chad present this session at your event.


There is more to Azure Functions than just the HTTP trigger; come to see real-world examples of the different types of triggers and bindings.


License:MIT License