TalariaSoftware / uswds_components

Rails view components for the USWDS design system

Repository from Github https://github.comTalariaSoftware/uswds_componentsRepository from Github https://github.comTalariaSoftware/uswds_components

RSpec Rubocop HAML-Lint

Brakeman Bundler audit CodeQL analysis

Maintainability Test coverage

USWDS Components

Implementation of the US Web Design System (USWDS) as ViewComponents for use with Ruby on Rails.


ViewComponent is a framework for creating view components, Ruby objects to build markup that can be reusuable, testable, and encapsulated.

USWDS is a design system created by 18F to make it easier to build accessible, mobile-friendly sites.

USWDS Components uses View Components to make it easy to add USWDS components to your Rails application.


Example usage of the alert component.


= render UswdsComponents::AlertComponent.new(status: error, heading: 'Access
denied') do
  You do not have permission to view that page.


<%= render UswdsComponents::AlertComponent.new(status: error, heading: 'Access
denied') do %>
  You do not have permission to view that page.
<% end %>


USWDS installation

USWDS is installed by including these three files in your application layout:

  1. uswds.css: the USWDS stylesheet. Put this in the head of HTML layout, before the application-specific CSS.
  2. uswds.js: JavaScript code for interactive components. Put this in the head of the HTML layout.
  3. uswds-init.js: Tiny script to prevent a flash of un-styled content while the rest of the JavaScript is loading. Put this at the bottom of the HTML body.

You can load these files from a JavaScript CDN like (i.e. JSDelivr, JSPM, or UNPKG), download them directly from the NPM registry, or use Yarn or NPM to install the node package and build the files yourself.

Example application layout.

Ruby gem

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uswds_components', git: 'https://github.com/TalariaSoftware/uswds_components.git'

Then run bundle.


View Component previews show what the components look like and provide examples on how to use them.

Add this to config/application.rb to enable view component previews, add USWDS Components previews, and show preview source.

config.view_component.show_previews = true
config.view_component.show_previews_source = true
config.view_component.preview_paths <<

Then start the app and access the resulting previews at: http://localhost:3000/rails/view_components.

Example use

Dummy app

Go to uswdscomponents.herokuapp.com to see previews of USWDS components.


NCMS is an app built with USWDS components. NCMS view components previews provide examples of how to build specialized view components using USWDS components.


This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration. Contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Hippocratic License 3.0.

Prior art

Other design systems implemented with ViewComponents:


Rails view components for the USWDS design system



Language:Ruby 85.4%Language:Haml 9.8%Language:HTML 3.9%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:SCSS 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:Procfile 0.0%