TakeshiAsahi / PwC-capstone-Project

Provisioning kubernetes with Terraform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Provisioning kubernetes with Terraform

This project helps to provision the kubernetes and manage the kubernetes deployment with the help of terraform in Azure cloud

Initial setup in AZURE CLI

1 open azure portal
2 setup terraform
3 Redeem Azure Pass
4 Open Azure Cloud Shell - Bash Prompt
5 Now Create Azure Contributor Service Principal for terraform Auth.
6 az login 
7 az account list -o table 
8 az account set -s "<subscription-id>"
9 az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/<subscription_id>"
## Export the Azure Auth Variable in your bash RC.
10 export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<<password>>"
   export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<<appID>>"
   export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<<subscriptionID>>"
   export ARM_TENANT_ID="<<tenant>>"
11 Initialize the Bashrc Variables
12 source ~/.bashrc
13 git clone into azure cli

Automate the kubernetes management using Terraform

cd PwC-capstone-project
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve

Deploy basic NGINX App in K8

mv kubeconfig ~/.kube/config 
if this command gives error
try running following commands from present directory
mkdir ~/.kube
mv kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
kubectl get pods

App deployment on the cluster using Terraform

  360  cd app-deploy-tf/
  361  vi provider.tf
  362  cd ..
  363  kubectl config get-contexts
  364  cd app-deploy-tf/
  365  ls
  366  vi app.tf
  367  clear
  368  terraform init
  369  terraform plan
  370  vi app.tf
  371  terraform plan
  372  terraform apply --auto-approve
  373  kubectl get pods
  374  kubectl get pods -o wide
  375  localhost
  376  ipconfig
  377  vi app.tf
  378  terraform destroy --auto-approve
  379  vi app.tf
  380  terraform plan
  381  terraform apply --auto-approve
  382  kubectl get deployments
  384  kubectl expose deployment team-5-webapp --type=LoadBalancer --name=my-service
  385  kubectl get services my-service
  386  terraform destroy --auto-approve
  387  ls
  388  history

Database-management in kubernetes

  102  mkdir database-automation
  104  cd database-automation/
  108  vi mysql_service.yaml 
  109  kubectl create -f mysql_service.yaml
  117  vi mysql_deployment.yaml
  118  kubectl create -f mysql_deployment.yaml
  119  vi persistence_volume.yaml 
  139  kubectl create -f persistence_volume.yaml 
  140  vi pvClaim.yaml
  141  kubectl create -f pvClaim.yaml 
  142  kubectl get pods
  144  kubectl apply -f persistence_volume.yaml pvClaim.yaml 
  145  kubectl apply -f persistence_volume.yaml
  146  kubectl apply -f pvClaim.yaml 
  147  clear
  148  kubectl apply -f mysql_deployment.yaml 
  149  clear
  150  kubectl get deployments
  151  kubectl get pods
  152  kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h mysql -ppassword
  153  clear
  154  ls -a
  155  cd ..
  156  ls
  157  history

App deployment on cluster with Database and polyglot persistence

  294  mkdir wordpress-mysql-deploy
  295  cd wordpress-mysql-deploy/
  316  kubectl apply -k ./
  317  kubectl get secrets
  318  kubectl get pvc
  319  kubectl get pods
  320  kubectl get services wordpress


Provisioning kubernetes with Terraform

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 100.0%