Tahul / motivation-letter

πŸ“ƒ My motivation letter template

Home Page:https://motivation-letter.yael.dev

Repository from Github https://github.comTahul/motivation-letterRepository from Github https://github.comTahul/motivation-letter

YaΓ«l GUILLOUX - Motivation letter

Online render πŸ‘€

Goes along with my resume template 😊

πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Setup

$ pnpm // Install dependencies
$ pnpm dev // Run dev server
$ pnpm build // Build for production

πŸ–¨ Printing

Just run the dev server, CTRL + P (on chrome at least).

The content is centered, and the infos parts of the web page will be hidden.

Don't hesitate to change the layout or styling, but you already have a good start with what's included.

πŸ”’ Usage

I can't share the fonts I used because of licensing terms, but I think you'll be able to find some cool fonts somewhere on the internets!

Any questions? you can ask me on Twitter: @yaeeelglx

yael.dev 🌐


πŸ“ƒ My motivation letter template



Language:CSS 54.0%Language:HTML 45.9%Language:TypeScript 0.2%