Timothy S Green's repositories
:auto_rickshaw: :mask: A visual and statistical exploration of several years of air quality data for Dhaka, Bangladesh.
A data viz project using Bangladesh's Covid-19 data
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Built an interactive data visualisation dashboard of Bangladeshi Covid-19 data. This includes national time series data and mapped regional (district and divisional) figures. The dashboard is hosted on Heroku.
📚🌍 Building a geo-map of the birth place of literary authors that I have read: In my bid to read literature from all over the world, I want to better visualise what countries and regions I have previously read and which are lacking. This project will aim to combine my personal reading history data from Goodreads, with author's nationality, to generate an interactive visual map.
Repository of files related to British Council Bangladesh's Libraries Unlimited programme. Mainly reporting infrastructure and teaching materials.
An exploration of guardian.com content from the previous several years.
Profile repo
:globe_with_meridians: Repository for hosting my personal web-page and data projects portfolio.
A project exploring the cost of living situation in the UK. This was a practical project as part of the ONS data science curriculum.