TJaySteno / calculator

Just a fun project to get back into things

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Reheating the Leftovers

A simple project to dip my toes back into the water. With this one, I'm just stretching the muscles I haven't been using and rediscovering the joy and addiction that is coding. I have three aims for this though: modularity, test-driven dev, and longevity.

Modularity: I've had a couple of passion projects that would benefited from a built-in calculator. My goal here is to have the logic for the entire thing in one place, in the most efficient form I can find so I can grab and drop wherever I'd like going forward.

Test-driven: Late into my learning, I was exposed to the idea of Test Driven Development. I never fully put it into practice, much to my detriment. I'm hoping that writing my tests first and coding second will flag the errors [I write in] earlier than previous ways that I was developing.

Longevity: As I look at my past projects, the packages they rely on deprecate too quickly for my liking. Therefore, the end product won't rely on any community packages from npm. I will still use ES7+ features though; my goal is only to future-proof the end product.

End of the day though, this is just meant as a fun, easy way to jump back into things. Hope you like it!


calc.js can be added to any project and imported into your app.

const calc = require('./calc.js').calc;

Storing values

The following variables are used to track calculations and numbers entered into the calculator. On load, these will equal 0, and they can be reset with the methods below.

Variable Position Intent
calc.value Before the operator Stores values between calculations
calc.entry After the operator Tracks the current number being entered
calc.value = 6;
calc.entry = 3;
console.log(calc.value / calc.entry); // 2
Method Effect
calc.clearValue calc.value = 0
calc.clearEntry calc.entry = 0
calc.clear Both of the above
console.log(calc.value); // 0

console.log(calc.entry); // 0

console.log(calc.value); // 0
console.log(calc.entry); // 0


Operation Method
Addition calc.add()
Subtraction calc.sub()
Multiplication calc.mult()
Division calc.div()
// 1 + 2 = 3
calc.value = 1;
calc.entry = 2;
console.log(calc.add()); // 3

// 2 - 1 = 1
calc.value = 2;
calc.entry = 1;
console.log(calc.sub()); // 1

// 2 * 5 = 10
calc.value = 2;
calc.entry = 5;
console.log(calc.mult()); // 10

// 10 / 5 = 2
calc.value = 10;
calc.entry = 5;
console.log(calc.div()); // 2


There is currently no control that requires inputs to be Numbers.


(Start date: 3/10/22)

3/10: Arithmetic done. Nothing to reject Strings currently. Next, exponents/radicals. I'd also like it to store the current calculation in addition to returning it. Future: Exp/rad, currentCalc, currentCalcString, CE, C, specials (e, pi), absolute, negate, equals, fact?, parenth, log, ln

3/16: Added value & entry storage, C & CE methods, and refactored arithmetic methods to accommodate. Future: Exp/rad, specials (e, pi), absolute, negate, equals, fact?, parenth, log, ln

3/17: Improved Documentation with the help of


Just a fun project to get back into things


Language:JavaScript 100.0%