THU-KEG / WaterBench

[ACL2024-Main] Data and Code for WaterBench: Towards Holistic Evaluation of LLM Watermarks

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Data and Code for the paper, WaterBench: Towards Holistic Evaluation of Watermarks for Large Language Models


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How to evaluate on WaterBench

Load Data

Our datasets are stored in the data folder. To load the data, you can use the following code(Here we take the alpacafarm dataset as an example):

dataset2level = json.load(open("config/dataset2level.json", "r"))
dataset = "alpacafarm"
data = []
with open("data/WaterBench/{}_{}.jsonl".format(dataset2level[dataset], dataset), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    for line in f:

To convert the original input to the prompt format, you can use the following code(Here we take the alpacafarm dataset as an example):

dataset2prompt = json.load(open("config/dataset2prompt.json", "r"))
dataset = "alpacafarm"
prompt_format = dataset2prompt[dataset]

for json_obj in tqdm(data):
    # json_obj is every piece of the data
    prompt = prompt_format.format(**json_obj)

Data Format

All the missions WaterBench used are specified in the data folder. The data is in the format of jsonl. Each line is a json object with the following fields:

    "input": "The input/command for the task, usually short, such as questions in QA etc",
    "context": "The long context required for the task, such as documents, cross-file code",
    "outputs": "A List of all true answers",
    "input_length": "length of the first two items(counted in characters for Chinese and words for English)",
    "output_length": "length of the third item (counted in characters for Chinese and words for English)",
    "length": "length of the first three items(counted in characters for Chinese and words for English)",
    "all_classes": "All categories in classification tasks, null for non-classification tasks",
    "language": "The language of this piece of data",
    "dataset": "The name of the dataset to which this piece of data belongs",
    "_id": "Random id for each piece of data"

Load Model

The models we used are llama2-7b-chat-4k and internlm-chat-7b-8k, you can change the path of model in config/model2path.json file.

You can get the llama2 from here, and internlm from here.

We use the transformers library to load the model. The explicit code is in the file, and the following is the main code:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, LlamaTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM, AutoModelForCausalLM
def load_model_and_tokenizer(path_to_your_model, model_name, device,  load_token_only=False):
    if "internlm" in model_name:
        tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(path_to_your_model, trust_remote_code=True)
        if not load_token_only:
            model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(path_to_your_model, trust_remote_code=True,
                                                  output_scores=True, return_dict_in_generate=True, 
    elif "llama2"in model_name:
        # replace_llama_attn_with_flash_attn()
        tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(path_to_your_model)
        if not load_token_only:
            model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(path_to_your_model, output_scores=True, return_dict_in_generate=True, 
    if load_token_only:
        return tokenizer
        model = model.eval()
        return model, tokenizer


Install the requirements with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt. For Llama-2 based models, we recommend using Flash Attention for optimization and saving GPU memory The relevant dependencies can be installed according to the code base of Flash Attention.

First, run and select the model you want to evaluate via --model. And select the mode and hyper-parameters of the watermark via --mode, --bl_type, --gamma, --delta. The parameter mode means the kinds of watermarks we used in the experiments, including no(without watermark), old(soft or hard watermark), gpt(gpt watermark), v2(v2, watermark). The parameter bl_type means whether the type of the watermark is hard or soft. Also, you can select the dataset you want to evaluate via --dataset. Here is an example to obtain the result that llama2-7b-chat-4k model performs with specified-parameters watermark on the alpacafarm dataset:

    --mode old \
    --gamma 0.5 \
    --delta 10 \
    --bl_type hard \ 
    --dataset alpacafarm \
    --model llama2-7b-chat-4k \

Or you can modify shell/ and run it directly.

If you didn't specify the --dataset, the code will evaluate the model on all datasets in WaterBench.

You can obtain the output of the model under all WaterBench datasets under the pred/ folder corresponding to the model name.

Then, run the detection code in to obtain z-scores:

    --input_dir ./pred/llama2-7b-chat-4k_old_g0.5_d10.0_hard

Or you can modify shell/ and run it directly.

Then, you can obtain z-scores of every mission under the input_dir of detect .

After that, you can run the code in to obtain the gpt-4 evaluation results on all datasets in result.json:

    --input_dir ./pred/llama2-7b-chat-4k_old_g0.5_d10.0_hard

Or you can modify shell/ and run it directly.

To get the detection results of the model with watermarks on standard answers, you can run

    --reference_dir llama2-7b-chat-4k_old_g0.25_d5.0_hard \
    --detect_dir human_generation \

Or you can modify shell/ and run it directly.

Please note that in config/, we provide the input format suitable for each dataset and the maximum output length. Feel free to modify them to better suit the model you want to evaluate. After modification, when evaluating with, the data will be automatically organized according to the new format to get the corresponding model output.


[ACL2024-Main] Data and Code for WaterBench: Towards Holistic Evaluation of LLM Watermarks

License:MIT License


Language:Python 81.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 18.3%Language:Shell 0.2%