THJLI / WhatsAppHelper

Utility library crafted to streamline interactions with the WhatsApp Business API for developers using C# and .NET Core

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WhatsAppHelper for C# .NET Core Developers

WhatsAppHelper is a utility library designed to simplify interactions with the WhatsApp Business API. It provides a set of functionalities that allow developers to send and receive messages, manage contacts, and handle various aspects of WhatsApp communication within their .NET Core applications.


  • Send templated messages to WhatsApp contacts.
  • Send text messages to WhatsApp contacts.
  • Receive and process incoming WhatsApp messages.
  • Manage authentication and token renewal for WhatsApp Business API.
  • Handle various aspects of WhatsApp communication.


You can install the WhatsAppHelper library using NuGet Package Manager:

dotnet add package WhatsAppHelper

Setting Up Services

In your Startup.cs file, configure the necessary services:

using WhatsAppHelper.Extensions;
// ...
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Sending Templated Messages

using WhatsAppHelper.Models;
using WhatsAppHelper.Components;

// ...
var config = GetConfig();
var waConfig = new WaConfig(config.clientId, config.clientSecret, config.idPhoneNumber, config.idWaBusiness, config.token);
var httpWaRequest = DepGet<IHttpWaClient>();

var waTplMsg = new WaContactTplSend(
    new BodyComponent(new Parameter("text", "123456")),
    new ButtonComponent(new Parameter("text", "123456"))

var resp = await httpWaRequest.SendOneContactByTplAsync(waTplMsg);

Sending Text Messages

using WhatsAppHelper.Models;

// ...

var config = GetConfig();
var waConfig = new WaConfig(config.clientId, config.clientSecret, config.idPhoneNumber, config.idWaBusiness, config.token);
var httpWaRequest = DepGet<IHttpWaClient>();

var waMsg = new WaContactTextSend(
    $"Teste envio mensagem via WhatsApp, '{DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")}'"

var resp = await httpWaRequest.SendOneContactByTextAsync(waMsg);

Receiving WhatsApp Messages

using WhatsAppHelper.Factories;

// ...

var factory = DepGet<IWaMsgReceiveFactory>();
var json = "your_received_message_json_string_here";
var result = factory.GetResult(json)?.ToList();
// Process and handle the received messages as needed


Utility library crafted to streamline interactions with the WhatsApp Business API for developers using C# and .NET Core


Language:C# 100.0%