TCP-Lab / kym

Wavelet transform-based analyzer of biological signals

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Wavelet transform-based analyzer of biological signals


kym is a software tool for the quantitative analysis of non-stationary oscillatory signals. It has been developed within the field of neurosciences to study neuronal activity in terms of cytosolic calcium signals, but it can be considered as a general-purpose set of MATLAB functions that implement a wavelet-based time/frequency analysis.

kym has been developed starting from 2010 and released for the first time in 2011 as supplementary material for a scientific methodological paper ([1]). From then on, kym has been modified several times to extend its analysis capabilities, and different methods to handle the cone of influence as well as many filters in the transformed domain are now available and already used in many other works (see e.g., [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]).

kym ver.0.6 is the last and most up-to-date release of the software. It consists of a collection of 30 .m files, each of them containing a single MATLAB function, but only the "capital" ones (VX, WT, WTX, IWT, KYM, FILT*, FEAT) need to be directly managed by the end user, while the other ones are to be considered as auxiliary functions, invoked on the fly by the previous ones.

In order to use kym (VX, WT and WTX functions in particular), data need to be stored in a .csv (comma separated values) file, organized as it follows: the first column must contain the vector of time samples, while the actual signals should fill all the other columns. In the case of calcium signal analysis, columns are the time courses of the fluorescence intensity emitted by the calcium indicator loaded inside the cells. Each column may represent a different cell or a different region of interest (ROI) over the same cell. The file data.csv provides an example of this and it can be used to test the software. It contains the same set of traces showed in [3] to present the analytical method: 56 time traces of calcium intracellular concentration recorded from ROIs drawn over the same cell, with a sampling time of dt = 2 s.

WTX function is specifically tailored for the spatial wavelet analysis of neural calcium signals as described in [3]. It can take two data arguments when using a ratiometric fluorescent indicator for calcium (such as Fura-2). Further details about this function are given in [3], in particular see "Surface to Volume Ratio Assessment" subsection.

Many other parameters, beyond the raw data, can be passed as argument to the main functions, in order to specify the unit of measurement of time, the changing points of in acuto treatments, the threshold levels, and so on. For further information about the meaning and the syntax of each kym function you can use the help command followed by the name of the function, or you can follow the examples below to get started. Nevertheless an exhaustive and complete user guide for kym has never been written, so a future effort will be to produce such a documentation.

From a technical point of view, wavelet transform computation has been implemented as a product in the Fourier transformed domain. A standard code for this algorithm can be found, for instance, in WaveLab850 ( Peak detection is based on image dilation (see e.g., localMaximum.m m-file by Yonathan Nativ, The rest of the code has been written and developed ad hoc to perform the analyses presented in [1] and [3].

NOTE: imdilate function is required by peak, paths (and hence by KYM and WTX) kym functions. Octave users can find imdilate.m within the image package, while MATLAB users need to have Image Processing Toolbox installed.


  1. Ruffinatti F.A., Lovisolo D., Distasi C., Ariano P., Erriquez J., Ferraro M. Calcium signals: analysis in time and frequency domains. J Neurosci Methods. 2011 Aug; 199(2):310-320.

  2. Zamburlin P., Ruffinatti F.A., Gilardino A., Farcito S., Parrini M., Lovisolo D. Calcium signals and FGF-2 induced neurite growth in cultured parasympathetic neurons: spatial localization and mechanisms of activation. Pflugers Arch. 2013 Sep; 465(9):1355-1370.

  3. Ruffinatti F.A., Gilardino A., Lovisolo D., Ferraro M. Spatial wavelet analysis of calcium oscillations in developing neurons. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 14; 8(10):e75986.

  4. Moccia F., Ruffinatti F.A., Zuccolo E. Intracellular Ca2+ Signals to Reconstruct a Broken Heart: Still a Theoretical Approach? Curr Drug Targets. 2015 Jul; 16(8):793-815.

  5. Gilardino A., Catalano F., Ruffinatti F.A., Alberto G., Nilius B., Antoniotti S., Martra G., Lovisolo D. Interaction of SiO2 nanoparticles with neuronal cells: Ionic mechanisms involved in the perturbation of calcium homeostasis. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2015 Sep; 66:101-111.

  6. Dragoni S., Reforgiato M., Zuccolo E., Poletto V., Lodola F., Ruffinatti F.A., Bonetti E., Guerra G., Barosi G., Rosti V., Moccia F. Dysregulation of VEGF-induced proangiogenic Ca2+ oscillations in primary myelofibrosis-derived endothelial colony-forming cells. Exp Hematol. 2015 Dec; 43(12):1019-1030.

  7. Lodola F., Laforenza U., Cattaneo F., Ruffinatti F.A., Poletto V., Massa M., Tancredi R., Zuccolo E., Kheder D., Riccardi A., Biggiogera M., Rosti V., Guerra G., Moccia F. VEGF-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations are down-regulated and do not stimulate angiogenesis in breast cancer-derived endothelial colony forming cells. Oncotarget. 2017. IN PRESS

Syntax to get started

Trace Visualization

General Syntax:


Example with comments on function arguments:


VX allows a preliminary inspection of time courses of the raw data contained in data.csv and returns a graph of sampling quality control.

  • 'C' stands for Color map mode: it displays the two-variable function [Ca2+](t, x) as a color map (t = time, x = space). Different visualization modes are available:

  • n (being an integer greater or equal to one) shows the selected traces arranging them in subplot groups of n traces per window.

  • 'S' stands for "Superimposition" and shows all the traces selected superimposed according to a color gradient from blue (first ROIs) to red (last ROIs).

  • 'C' is the already mentioned Color map mode.

  • 'M' shows a single trace representing the point-by-point mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) computed from all the selected trace.

  • Second ('s') is the unit of measurement of the first column entries.

  • A time marker is placed at step number 110, that corresponds in this case to t = 220s being dt = 2s the sampling time.

  • The last void argument ([]) means that all traces included in the file are selected and then displayed. As an alternative, you can pass an array of ROIs according to MATLAB syntax. E.g. [3 5 9:12 15:17] means ROIs 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17.

Wavelet Transform

General syntax:

[wt,par,sig] = WT(filename,unit,mark,roi,lft,nvoice,wavelet,cone,output)

Example with comments on function arguments:


Computes the wavelet transform starting from the raw data arranged in the file data.csv.

  • Second ('s') is the unit of measurement of the first column entries.

  • A time marker is placed at step number 110, that corresponds in this case to t = 220s being dt = 2s the sampling time.

  • The wavelet transform and related scaleogram are computed just for ROIs from 2 to 7.

  • The first 3 lowest frequencies are discarded (low frequency threshold, recommended).

  • Scaleograms are drawn using 48 inter-octave voices.

  • 'M1' (Morlet version 1) mother wavelet is used to compute wavelet transform.

  • 'PAD' technique is use to handle the cone of influence. Three different ways to handle the cone of influence (COI) issue have been implemented:

  • 'NONE': this option does nothing on COI artifacts, but it is useful to preserve the whole information carried by the original signal within the scaleogram.

  • 'COI': this option computes the e-folding cone of influence and masks it in order to completely discard those regions out of the scaleogram.

  • 'PAD': this is a less drastic algorithm that provides a linear detrending ensuring a matching between the starting and the ending point of the signal and, at the same time, pads the original signal with a number of zeros equal to the signal length, finally removing them after wavelet transformation: this is the procedure we recommend because it allows to avoids artificial edge discontinuities and low-frequencies cross talk between the two edges of the scaleogram, with a very poor loss of information.

  • Output variables (wt, par, sig) contain scaleograms, generic descriptive parameters and the original signal respectively, concerning last ROI analyzed (ROI 7 in this case). They serves as input argument of PD function.

Wavelet Analysis and Peak Detection

General Syntax:

ratio = KYM(wt,par,sig,thr,output)

Example with comments on function arguments:


  • The first three variables (wt, par, and sig) are the outputs of WT functions concerning the last ROI analyzed by WT (ROI 7 in this case).

  • Peak detection and frequency path detection are performed after a 35% thresholding of the scaleogram.

  • The output consists in several plots deriving the power and the energy density of the signal starting from the related wavelet scaleograms: further details about them can be found in [1]. Notice that the time-averaged activity values and related r values are calculate respect to the time markers set in WT.


Wavelet transform-based analyzer of biological signals

License:MIT License


Language:MATLAB 100.0%