TBody / atomicpp

C++ translation of atomic1D, for integration into SD1D

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  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Introduction
  3. System requirements
  4. Quick-start
  5. Modifying the impurity database
  6. SD1D Integration


The majority of this code is based on the atomic1D code, which is in turn based on the excellent OpenADAS analysis tool provided at cfe316/atomic.

The data used for modelling is entirely supplied by the OpenADAS project, a public-access database managed by the University of Strathclyde.


This project provides a C++ library for the analysis of atomic processes in a SOL/divertor plasma. It is primarily intended as a library for integration into the BOUT++ SD1D project, although the testing suites provided may be generally useful.

The project consists of three main parts:

  1. The atomicpplibrary -- provides all analysis code as well the Cython .pyx wrapper;
  2. Prad.cpp testing suite in C++ -- tests basic functionality ;
  3. Prad.py verification suite in Python3 -- uses a Python wrapper to the atomicpp library to check the results from the library.

The project is built and run using a Makefile architecture. All commands are localised to the project directory -- to uninstall simply delete the project folder.

System requirements

It is recommended that a package manager (apt-get (Linux) or MacPorts (Mac), etc) be used to install the required packages.

For the core atomicpp library and the Prad.cpp C++ test suite

  • A C++ compiler which supports C++11 standard (tested with GNU compiler gcc/g++ version 6.3.0)
  • gmake to run the Makefile (tested with GNU Make 3.81)

For the Prad.py Python3 verification suite

  • A Python3 installation with an installed SciPy stack and Cython. Both the SciPy stack and Cython are available in the Anaconda distribution (tested with Python 3.6.1 |Anaconda 4.4.0 (x86_64))

To extend the json_database of OpenADAS rate-coefficients

In the same file as the main program source (Prad.cpp) at time of compilation;

  • The atomicpp module folder containing
    • RateEquations (.cpp and .hpp): for evaluation of the population, power and momentum balance derivatives.
    • ImpuritySpecies (.cpp and .hpp): Called by RateEquations, for storing the data of a specified plasma impurity.
    • RateCoefficient (.cpp and .hpp): called by ImpuritySpecies, for providing a callable interface to a set of OpenADAS density- and temperature-resolved rate coefficients.
    • sharedFunctions (.cpp and .hpp): for functions which are useful to all other modules - currently a JSON reader and a file checker.
    • json.hpp: header-only JSON reader from the nlohmann::json project. A copy of the header file is included, although it is recommended that users download an up-to-date version here.
    • SD1DData (.cpp and .hpp): not required for SD1D integration. For storing and processing data from an SD1D collect, which is then saved as a json file. Run the atomic1D/reference/data_dict_export.py program in the SD1D output folder to produce the json file, and then copy this to the atomic++ directory (where Prad.cpp is being executed). This data is used to train and verify the atomic++ code.
  • impurity_user_input.json (same directory as Prad.cpp): a plain-text file for providing hard-coded data relating to the impurity (such as year for OpenADAS data, etc). To modify, see the JSON project for nomenclature and follow the same style as the template.
  • sd1d-case-*.json (same directory as Prad.cpp): a json file created by atomic1D/reference/data_dict_export.py, for use with SD1DData for training the program (not needed if integrating into SD1D).

Program execution


The Makefile provides most of the desired functionality of the project. It has 5 main commands;

  • make cpp: checks if the required source files have been built since they were last modified -- if not, compiles the atomicpp library and the Prad.cpp program into .o files and then links the .o files into an executable (Prad).
  • make cpp_run: (default for make) performs the make cpp functionality and also runs the Prad executable via ./Prad
  • make py: checks if the required source files have been built since they were last modified -- if not, compiles the atomicpp library and generates a Python module atomicpy which is declared in atomicpy.pyx (Cython) and built with setup.py build_ext --inplace.
  • make py_run: performs the make py functionality and also runs the Prad.py script via python Prad.py
  • make clean: reverts the project to a fresh install state.

Modifying the impurity database

A separate project is supplied at OpenADAS_to_JSON. This project downloads ADF11 files for the specified impurity from OpenADAS, uses Fortran helper functions to read the data and exports the data as JSON files. To change which species is being considered you'll need to do the following;

  1. Modify the elements tag of the makefile
  2. Run make json_update
  3. Copy the OpenADAS_to_JSON/json_database file from that project onto atomicpp/json_database (overwrite)
  4. Update impurity_user_input.json to include the impurity data required by the program
  5. Update the impurity_symbol_supplied variable of Python and C++ if using the supplied testing programs.

SD1D Integration


  1. Impurity rate equations
  2. Hydrogen rate equations
  3. The DerivStruct data structure
  4. Print method for the data structure
  5. The computeDerivs function
  6. Shared interpolation
  7. Kahan-Neumaier summation

N.b. the SD1DData (.hpp and .cpp) files of the atomicpp module directory are not required

The principal purpose of this code is to extend the radiation model of the SD1D SOL/divertor plasma simulation code, which is built on the BOUT++ project.

Impurity rate equations

The derivative evaluator is provided in the RateEquations class. This class is initialised from a ImpuritySpecies object, shown here for a Carbon (c) impurity. The derivative evaluator is supplied as computeDerivs -- see the RateEquations.hpp header for identity and units of the arguments.

#include "atomicpp/ImpuritySpecies.hpp"
#include "atomicpp/RateEquations.hpp"

std::string impurity_symbol="c";

atomicpp::ImpuritySpecies impurity(impurity_symbol);

atomicpp::RateEquations impurity_derivatives(impurity); //Organised as a RateEquations object for cleanliness
impurity_derivatives.setThresholdDensity(1e9); //Density threshold - ignore ionisation stages which don't have at least this density
impurity_derivatives.setDominantIonMass(1.0); //Dominant ion mass in amu, for the stopping time calculation

atomicpp::DerivStruct derivative_struct = impurity_derivatives.computeDerivs(Te, Ne, Vi, Nn, Vn, Nzk, Vzk);

Hydrogen rate equations

The 'impurity' methods for evaluation of the OpenADAS rate-coefficient data can be equally applied to the dominant ion. A modified method computeDerivsHydrogen is supplied to avoid having to supply the same variables as the 'impurity' and 'dominant ion' values, although computationally the method is almost identical (ion-ion drag and charge-exchange are neglected). The equivalent case is

#include "atomicpp/ImpuritySpecies.hpp"
#include "atomicpp/RateEquations.hpp"

std::string hydrogen_symbol="h";

atomicpp::ImpuritySpecies hydrogen(hydrogen_symbol);
impurity_derivatives.setThresholdDensity(1e9); //Density threshold - ignore ionisation stages which don't have at least this density

atomicpp::DerivStruct derivative_struct_H = hydrogen_derivatives.computeDerivsHydrogen(Te, Ne, Nhk, Vhk);

The DerivStruct data structure

The computeDerivs functions return a DerivStruct data structure. This is defined as

struct DerivStruct{
        double Pcool;
        double Prad;
        std::vector<double> dNzk;
        std::vector<double> F_zk;
        double dNe;
        double F_i;
        double dNn;
        double F_n;

which may be unpacked as

double Pcool             = derivative_struct.Pcool; //Electron-cooling power, in J m^-3 s^-1 (needed for electron power balance)
double Prad              = derivative_struct.Prad;  //Radiated power, in in J m^-3 s^-1 (for comparing to diagnostic signal)
std::vector<double> dNzk = derivative_struct.dNzk;  //Change in each ionisation stage of the impurity population, in particles m^-3 s^-1
std::vector<double> F_zk = derivative_struct.F_zk;  //Force on each particle of ionisation stage k of the impurity population, in N
double dNe               = derivative_struct.dNe;   //Perturbation change in the electron density (in particles m^-3 s^-1) and
double F_i               = derivative_struct.F_i;   //  perturbation force (in N) on the electron population due to atomic processes
double dNn               = derivative_struct.dNn;   //Perturbation change in the neutral density (in particles m^-3 s^-1) and
double F_n               = derivative_struct.F_n;   //  perturbation force (in N) on the neutral population due to atomic processes

Print method for the data structure

The RateEquations class also includes a printing method for the DerivStruct data structure


which returned a formatted result

The computeDerivs function

The core functionality of the RateEquations object is provided by the computeDerivs function. This is given as

DerivStruct RateEquations::computeDerivs(
    const double Te,
    const double Ne,
    const double Vi,
    const double Nn,
    const double Vn,
    const std::vector<double>& Nzk,
    const std::vector<double>& Vzk){

    resetDerivatives(); //Reset all the derivatives to zero, since the object has a memory of the previous step

    // Perform 'sharedInterpolation' - find the lower-bound gridpoint and fraction into the grid for both Te and Ne
    std::pair<int, double> Te_interp, Ne_interp;
    if (use_shared_interpolation){
        Te_interp = findSharedInterpolation(rate_coefficients["blank"]->get_log_temperature(), Te);
        Ne_interp = findSharedInterpolation(rate_coefficients["blank"]->get_log_density(), Ne);
    } else {
        throw std::runtime_error("Non-shared interpolation method requires switching of method. Declare Te_interp and Ne_interp as doubles instead of <int, double> pairs.");
        // //Pass Te_interp and Ne_interp as doubles instead of pairs and the program will auto-switch to the full interpolation method.
        // double Te_interp = Te;
        // double Ne_interp = Ne;

    calculateElectronImpactPopulationEquation(Ne, Nzk, Vzk, Te_interp, Ne_interp);

    calculateChargeExchangePopulationEquation(Nn, Nzk, Vzk, Te_interp, Ne_interp);

    //Apply neumairSum corrections
    for(int k=0; k<=Z; ++k){
        dNzk[k] += dNzk_correction[k];
        F_zk[k] += F_zk_correction[k];


    calculateIonIonDrag(Ne, Te, Vi, Nzk, Vzk);
    calculateElectronImpactPowerEquation(Ne, Nzk, Te_interp, Ne_interp);

    calculateChargeExchangePowerEquation(Nn, Nzk, Te_interp, Ne_interp);

    // auto derivative_tuple = makeDerivativeTuple();
    // return derivative_tuple;
    DerivStruct derivative_struct = makeDerivativeStruct();
    return derivative_struct;

Shared interpolation

computeDerivs relies 'shared interpolation' to calculate the scaling factors for interpolation, which requires that the underlying grids are identical

 * @brief find the lower-bound gridpoint and fraction within the grid for the given point at which to interpolate
 * @details Using bilinear interpolation, the scaling factors for interpolating the rate coefficients are the same
 * regardless of which process is called (since the underlying log_temperature and log_density grids are the same).
 * Therefore, the grid-point and fraction pair may be shared by any rate-coefficient. Have overloaded call0D such that,
 * if a <int, double> pair is supplied as an argument then the shared interpolation method will be called
 * @param log_grid grid-points for which data is given
 * @param eval point at which the interpolation should be performed
 * @return <int, double> pair where int is the lower-bound grid-point and fraction is the scaling factor (fractional distance
 * between the lower and upper-bound gridpoints)
std::pair<int, double> findSharedInterpolation(const std::vector<double>& log_grid, const double eval){
    // Perform a basic interpolation based on linear distance
    // values to search for

    std::pair<int, double> interp_pair(interp_gridpoint, interp_fraction);
    return interp_pair;

Kahan-Neumaier summation

To add the elements of a list with significantly varying orders of magnitude to very high precision (avoids floating point rounding error) the Kahan-Neumaier algorithm is implemented as follows;

 * @brief Uses Neumaier algorithm to add the elements of a list
 * @details Extension on Kahan summation algorithm for an unsorted list
 * Uses a compensated sum to improve precision when summing numbers of 
 * significantly different magnitude
 * @param list_to_sum The list of numbers to sum
 * @return neumaier_pair the uncompensated sum and the compensation
 * Compensated sum is sum + correction - however, this is left external
 * in case summation is restarted
std::pair<double, double> neumaierSum(const std::vector<double>& list_to_sum, const double previous_correction = 0.0){

    std::pair<double, double> neumaier_pair(sum, correction);

    return neumaier_pair;


C++ translation of atomic1D, for integration into SD1D

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 92.8%Language:Python 6.8%Language:Makefile 0.4%