TAS-Network / instagram-feed

Embed Instagram profile feed from your instagram accounts on your website using PHP and the new Instagram Basic Display API (2020).

Home Page:https://instagram-feed.yizack.com/demo/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Embed Instagram profile feed from your instagram accounts on your website using PHP.
(Live Demo) Live Demo


  • PHP Hosting (with cURL and fopen() support) [Guide]
  • Font Awesome Kit [Guide]
  • Facebook Developer App [Guide]
  • Instagram Basic Display API [Guide]


  • Edit config.php
    • Paste your Instagram Basic Display API long-lived access token in {long-lived-access-token} for the $token variable.
    • Paste your site URL in {your-site-url} for the $site variable.
    • Paste your Font Awesome kit URL in {fontawesome-kit-url} for the $fontawesome variable.
  • Use the code below, replace http://your-site.com/feed with your site URL and paste it on your site where you want your Instagram feed to appear.
    <iframe style="border: none;" src="http://your-site.com/feed" width="100%" height="745.4px"></iframe>

About the code

  • config.php: Global variables for setup your Instagram Feed.
  • functions.php: Functions that will be used in feed.php.
    • request($url): This function is used for cURL requests and returns the data.
    • refreshToken(): The Instagram long-lived access token token expires in 60 days, but it can be refreshed every 24 hours to restart the expiration time so I made this function to refresh the token when 24 hours or more have passed since the last update date located at update.json file. If 24 hours have been passed, it overwrites the update date in the .json file.
    • instagramFeed(): This function calls the Instagram API with your long-lived access token and returns an array with the data of your last 25 posts. The information returned by this function is given by the fields GET parameter in https://graph.instagram.com/me/media?fields=username,permalink,timestamp,caption&access_token=$token, this request will return username, permalink, timestamp and caption for each Instagram post.
    • fontawesome() returns the Font Awesome kit URL given at config.php.
  • feed.php: This is the main script, it calls refreshToken() first to verify the update date, then assigns the data returned from instagramFeed() to a $post variable, below is the HTML document with Bootstrap 4 CSS library.
    • This code section will loop the post($username, $permalink, $caption, $timestamp) function for each Instagram post found.
        <div class="container-fluid">
          <div class="row flex-row flex-nowrap">
      for ($x = 0; $x < count($post); $x++) {
        $username = $post[$x]["username"];
        $permalink = $post[$x]["permalink"];
        $caption = $post[$x]["caption"];
        $timestamp = $post[$x]["timestamp"];
            <div class="instagram_post col-12 col-lg-4" id="<?= $x; ?>">
              <?= post($username, $permalink, $caption, $timestamp); ?>
    • Buttons for navigate between posts.
    <p id="post_number">Post: <span id="n">1</span></p>
    <a class="btn btn-dark" href="#0" onclick="next();" id="next"><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a>
    <a class="btn btn-dark" href="#0" onclick="prev();" id="prev"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left"></i></a>
    • This javascript code will allow us to navigate between each of the Instagram posts using buttons.
      let n = 0;
      function next(){
        n = n+1;
        if (n >= <?=count($post);?>){
          n = 0;
        $("#next").attr("href", "#" + n);
      function prev(){
        n = n-1;
        if (n < 0){
          n = <?=count($post);?> -1;
        $("#prev").attr("href", "#" + n);
    • Inside post($username, $permalink, $caption, $timestamp) function there is a HTML <blockquote> code that is provided by instargam when you want to embed a post. I add the parameter values of $username, $permalink, $caption, and $timestamp for each post.
  • update.json this file will contains the date when your Instagram long-lived access token was refreshed.

Requeriments Guide

  • PHP Hosting

    I think you can use any PHP Hosting unless it doesn't support cURL or fopen(), I personally use Namecheap Shared Hosting.
  1. Paste your site URL in {your-site-url} for the $site variable at config.php.
  • Font Awesome Kit

    Font Awesome is the most popular way to add font icons to your website [1]. To get your icon kit for free follow the next steps.
  1. Click here and enter your email address. Font Awesome Step 1
  2. Check your email to confirm and set up your account. Font Awesome Step 2
  3. Setup your account. Font Awesome Step 3
  4. When you have set up your account, your script will be displayed. Font Awesome Step 4
  5. Paste your kit URL in {fontawesome-kit-url} for the $fontawesome variable at config.php.
  • Facebook Developer App

    In order to use the instagram API, we must first create a Facebook App. Follow the steps below to create a Facebook App.
  1. Go to Facebook for Developers site, login and click Create App. Facebook App Step 1
  2. Create your App ID. Facebook App Step 2
  3. In the products tab, add Instagram to use the Instagram API Facebook App Step 3
  4. In the Instagram menu, click Basic Display, then click Settings to update your App settings. Facebook App Step 4
  5. Fill these required fields.
    • Privacy Policy URL (Must be a valid url, even if not a privacy policy url)
    • App Icon
    • Business Use
    • Category Facebook App Step 5
  6. Scroll down and click Add Platform button. Facebook App Step 6
  7. Enter your site URL and save changes. Facebook App Step 7
  • Instagram Basic Display API

    Now it's time to authorize your instagram account.
  1. Back to Products > Instagram > Basic Display. Create new App. Instagram App Step 1
  2. Fill OAuth Redirect, Deauthorize Callback and Data Deletion Request URL with your site URL and save changes. Instagram App Step 2
  3. Add Instagram testers. Instagram App Step 3
  4. Enter your Instagram username and select it. Instagram App Step 4
  5. Go to your Instagram account settings page > App and Websites > Tester invites, accept the invite. Instagram App Step 5
  6. Back to Products > Instagram > Basic Display > User Token Generator, you Instagram account should appear, then click Generate Token button for authorize and generate long-lived access token for instagram. Instagram App Step 6
  7. Login and authorize the App. Instagram App Step 7
  8. Copy the generated Token. Instagram App Step 8
  9. Paste your token in {long-lived-access-token} for the $token variable at config.php.


Embed Instagram profile feed from your instagram accounts on your website using PHP and the new Instagram Basic Display API (2020).



Language:PHP 100.0%