T-vK / chord-collection

Simple collection of guitar chords in a javascript-friendly object and in json.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The chords are stored in the following JSON format:

        "positions": ["x","4","6","6","6","4"],
        "fingerings": [["0","1","3","3","3","1"], ["0","1","2","3","4","1"]]
        "positions": ["9","11","11","10","9","9"],
    }, ...],
    }, ...],

For a usage example please refer to my Chord-Draw project.

If you want a complete list of all chords with all it's shapes, then go ahead and use chords.complete.json (~ 13.5MB !!!) or chords.complete.js (~ 13.5MB !!!).
If you want a list of all chords and one shape per chord is enough for you, then you should use chords.json (~ 1.2MB !) or chords.js (~ 1.2MB !).

This chord library has been created with the help of jguitar.com. Which is a really awesome website that goes far beyond what this project could offer. You should defintiely check it out and consider supporting them!


The source is licensed under the GPL.


Simple collection of guitar chords in a javascript-friendly object and in json.