SzariK00 / dingo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic django training.

Author: Adrian Jelonek | E-mail: ajelonek(at)


1. dingo - main app (project app).

2. greetings - just to greet someone :)

Run server and type:
- localhost:port/greetings/
- localhost:port/greetings/name

3. maths - a simple web url calculator.

Run server and type:
- localhost:port/maths/add/1/1 
- You can try another operations like: div, sub, mul. 

4. sessions - small tool to check how sessions work.

Run server and type:
- localhost:port/sessions/set and then localhost:port/sessions/get (in the same tab)  

5. posts - a small exercise with migrations.

Check the database tables:
 - posts_author - stores authors of the posts
 - posts_post - stores posts with the relationship with posts_author table using author_id Foreign Key      

6. forms - an exercise with forms.

Run server and type:
- localhost:port/posts/ - to be able to see posts and add more
- localhost:port/posts/authors - to be able to see posts' authors and add more of them

7. tests - an exercise with tests (stored in tests folders in particular apps)

Run console (venv) and type:
- python test greetings
- python test maths
- python test posts



Language:Python 86.0%Language:HTML 14.0%