Sysix / runway

Use Eloquent in Statamic like never before.

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This addon allows you to easily manage your Eloquent models from the Control Panel and output them inside your Antlers templates. This addon is useful for when you have some information (like orders) that you'd prefer to be stored in a database, for whatever reason but you don't want to move all of your entries over to a database as well.


  1. Install via Composer composer require doublethreedigital/runway
  2. Publish the configuration file php artisan vendor:publish --tag="runway-config"
  3. Configure the blueprint for each of the Eloquent models you wish to use with Runway.


During installation, you'll publish a configuration file for Runway to config/runway.php. The contents of said file look like this:


return [

    | Eloquent Models
    | Configure the eloquent models you wish to be editable with Runway and
    | the fields you want on the model's blueprint.

    'models' => [
        // \App\Models\Order::class => [
        //     'name' => 'Orders',

        //     'blueprint' => [
        //         'sections' => [
        //             'main' => [
        //                 'fields' => [
        //                     [
        //                         'handle' => 'price',
        //                         'field' => [
        //                             'type' => 'number',
        //                             'validate' => 'required',
        //                         ],
        //                     ],
        //                 ],
        //             ],
        //         ],
        //     ],

        //     'listing' => [
        //         'columns' => [
        //             'order_number',
        //             'price',
        //         ],

        //         'sort' => [
        //             'column' => 'paid_at',
        //             'direction' => 'desc',
        //         ],
        //     ],
        // ],


To configure the models you'd like to use Runway with, just create a new item in the the models array, with the model's class name as the key and with a value like so:

    'name' => 'Orders',
    'blueprint' => [...],
    'listing' => [...],

For each of the models, there's various configuration options available:


This will be the name displayed throughout the Control Panel for this resource. We recommend you use a plural for this.


This is where you can define the fields & sections for your model's blueprint. You can use any available fieldtypes with any of their configuration options. You can optionally add validation rules if you'd like and they'll be used when saving or updating the record.

Make sure that you create a field for each of the required columns in your database or else you'll run into issues when saving. The handle for the field should match up with the column name in the database.

An example of a field configuration looks like this:

'blueprint' => [
    'sections' => [
        'main' => [
            'fields' => [
                    'handle' => 'title',
                    'field' => [
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'validate' => 'required',
                    'handle' => 'body',
                    'field' => [
                        'type' => 'markdown',
                        'validate' => '',
                    'handle' => 'images',
                    'field' => [
                        'type' => 'assets',
                        'container' => 'assets',
                        'validate' => '',
                    'handle' => 'publish_at',
                    'field' => [
                        'type' => 'date',
                        'validate' => '',

If you prefer, you can also create a normal blueprint file in resources/blueprints and reference it inside your config.

'blueprint' => 'orders',

Bear in mind that at the moment, blueprints in the root of resources/blueprint won't be displayed as editable in the Control Panel.


Inside listing, you can control certain aspects of how the model's listing table displays records. You can currently configure the listing columns and the sort order of columns in the table.

'listing' => [
    'columns' => [

    'sort' => [
        'column' => 'paid_at',
        'direction' => 'desc',


Control Panel

At it's core, Runway provides Control Panel views for each of your models so you can view, create, update and delete Eloquent records. All the basic CRUD actions you need.


In addition to letting you create, view & update Eloquent records, Runway also provides a useful tag that allows you to output Eloquent records right in your front-end.

{{ runway:post limit="5" }}
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
{{ /runway:post }}

In the above example, we are getting records from the Post model, and we are limiting the output to the first five records. The tag acts as, what is essentially a foreach loop, allowing you to output the same templating code for each record.

When looping through, you can access any of the fiels defined in your model's blueprint. Each field will also be 'augmented', meaning you can use them the same way you can if you were using it inside an Entry.

The tag also has various parameters you can use to filter the records that get outputted. A list of parameters is provided below:

  • limit - Allows you to define how many records you'd like to be output.
  • sort - Define the column and order (descending or ascending) of records
  • where - Get records where something is something else.
{{ runway:post sort="title:asc" where="author_id:duncan" limit="25" }}
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
{{ /runway:post }}



Runway provides some permissions to limit which users have access to view, create, edit and delete your model records. You can configure these permissions in the same way you can with built-in Statamic permissions. Read the Statamic Docs.


Unexpected data found. Trailing data

Sometimes if you have a date or datetime column in your model, you may get an exception from Carbon regarding 'trailing data'. This can be sorted by casting the column to a datetime field in your Eloquent model, like so:

protected $casts = [
    'publish_at' => 'datetime',


We've got a couple of features we're planning on implementing in the next couple of months. If you've got any additional feature requests, please create an issue for them.

  • Filtering on the CP Listing table
  • Ability to define custom actions


For developer support or any other questions related to this addon, please get in touch.


Use Eloquent in Statamic like never before.


Language:PHP 78.3%Language:Blade 21.7%