Synkevych / air_quality

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Air Quality

This script helps to download latest(today and yesterday) datasets from Atmosphere Data Store

Getting started


The setups steps expect following tools installed on the system.

  • git
  • Python 2.7 / 3
  • pip / pip3
  • cdsapi

1. Install cdsapi library

Depending on Python version (2 or 3) use the appropriate pip version for install cdsapi.

For python2 pip install cdsapi For python3 pip3 install cdsapi

2. Setup cdsapi API Key

Create $HOME/.cdsapirc and paste there your API Key:

vim $HOME/.cdsapirc

2. Check out the repository

git clone
cd air_quality

3. Setup the project for your computer

  • Make script executable
chmod +x
  • Change path AIR_QUALITY_DIR in <> for your actual local path. You could get it using command pwd, for example:
pwd; # example of output: /home/user_name/air_quality
  • Execute ./ to test that script work correctly

  • Create crone task that start download data each day (for example at 8:00 AM)

crontab -l	#(list user's crontab)
crontab -e	#(edit user's crontab)

# 0 */6 * * * - for each 6 hours
0 */6 * * * /home/ubuntu/ >> /path/to/log.file 2>&1

4. Logging

After start <> in main folder you should see a new file <main.log>. This file created by crontab and visualize all downloading process.

Inside data folder located another file <downloads.log> that saves all file name that will be downloaded. For example:

$ tail -10 data/downloads.log
15.01.2022-00:01:35: File single_level_2022.01.14-12:00.netcdf_zip downloaded.
15.01.2022-00:04:09: File multi_level_2022.01.14-12:00.netcdf_zip downloaded.
15.01.2022-12:01:28: File single_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip downloaded.
15.01.2022-12:03:42: File multi_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip downloaded.

$ tail -20 main.log
2022-01-15 12:00:23,118 INFO Downloading to /home/ik/Roman/air_quality/data/single_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip (187.4M)
Strating downloads single_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip
2022-01-15 12:01:28,681 INFO Download rate 2.9M/s  
File single_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip successfully saved
file single_level_2022.01.14-12:00.netcdf_zip exist, try to download an old file
2022-01-15 12:01:29,237 INFO Welcome to the CDS
2022-01-15 12:01:29,237 INFO Sending request to
2022-01-15 12:01:29,300 INFO Request is queued
2022-01-15 12:01:30,357 INFO Request is running
2022-01-15 12:01:50,440 INFO Request is completed
2022-01-15 12:01:50,441 INFO Downloading to /home/ik/Roman/air_quality/data/multi_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip (333.6M)
Strating downloads multi_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip
2022-01-15 12:03:41,843 INFO Download rate 3M/s    
File multi_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip successfully saved.
file multi_level_2022.01.14-12:00.netcdf_zip exist, try to download an old file
files that older that 6 days removed
file single_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip exist, try to download an old file
file single_level_2022.01.14-12:00.netcdf_zip exist, try to download an old file
file multi_level_2022.01.15-00:00.netcdf_zip exist, try to download an old file
file multi_level_2022.01.14-12:00.netcdf_zip exist, try to download an old file



Language:Python 100.0%