SyncfusionExamples / Create-a-Tree-Grid-in-Blazor-Server-application-in-10-Minutes

A quick-start project that helps you create the Blazor TreeGrid of Syncfusion in a Blazor server application. This sample explains how to add columns and show parent-child flat data using the expand and collapse options. You can also learn how to add useful features to the TreeGrid: paging, sorting, and filtering.

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Create a Tree Grid in Blazor Server application in 10 Minutes

A quick-start project that helps you create the Blazor TreeGrid of Syncfusion in a Blazor server application. This sample explains how to add columns and show parent-child flat data using the expand and collapse options. You can also learn how to add useful features to the TreeGrid: paging, sorting, and filtering.

Watch the video now:


Online example:


  • Visual Studio 2022

How to run the project

  • Checkout this project to a location in your disk.
  • Open the solution file using the Visual Studio 2022.
  • Restore the NuGet packages by rebuilding the solution.
  • Run the project.


A quick-start project that helps you create the Blazor TreeGrid of Syncfusion in a Blazor server application. This sample explains how to add columns and show parent-child flat data using the expand and collapse options. You can also learn how to add useful features to the TreeGrid: paging, sorting, and filtering.


Language:HTML 53.5%Language:CSS 31.5%Language:C# 15.0%