Sylvester-dev / Sylvester-dev

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, I'm Vineet!

A little about me...

const aboutMe = {
  programingLanguages: [Javascript, Solidity, Dart, C++, Python, Java],
  askMeAbout: ["blockchain dapps", "web dev", "tech", "app dev", "photography"],
  technologies: {
        fullStack: {
            blockchain: ["EVM", "Solidity", "Hardhat", "GraphQL", "Moralis"],
            webDev: ["React", "Mongo", "Node", "Express", "MaterialUI"],
        mobileApp: {
            crossPlatform: ["Flutter Development", "Dart"],
        devOps: ["Azure", "Docker🐳"],
        databases: ["mongoDB", "firebase"],
        otherTools : ["Git", "Figma", "Postman", "Photoshop"],
  techCommunities: {
                        coreTeam: "Google Developer Student Club",
                        mentor: "Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador",
                        techWeb_lead: "Ecell, IIITL",
                        sessions: "Axios, IIITL",
                        co-organiser: "Equinox, Enspire",
 funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"

Connect with me:

Vineet Kumar | Website Vineet Kumar | Twitter Vineet LinkdeIN Vineet Telegram Vineet E-mail Vineet Blogs Vineet instagram

Watch my contribution graph get eaten by the snake 🐍

Sylvester-dev snake gif
