Syed Hassan Ali's repositories
A modern UI/UX website built with React.js and Tailwind CSS. It features sleek parallax effects, bento box layouts, and mobile-first principles. It serves as a stylish reference for future applications, enhancing design and development skills in modern web technologies.
Glint - A clone of Dennis Snellenberg's award-winning portfolio landing page, recreated using Next.js, Framer Motion, and GSAP for smooth animations and modern UI/UX. This project showcases the seamless integration of design and functionality inspired by the original Awwwards-winning website.
Horizon is a financial SaaS platform that connects multiple bank accounts, displays real-time transactions, allows users to transfer money to other platform users, and provides a finance management dashboard. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, and integrated with Appwrite, Plaid, and Dwolla for secure financial operations.
A clone website of Apple's iPhone 15 Pro built with React.js and TailwindCSS. It showcases advanced web techniques using GSAP for smooth animations and Three.js for dynamic 3D models of the iPhone 15 Pro in various colors and shapes. Explore custom animations and interactive 3D effects that bring the iPhone experience to life.
NotInstagram is a full-stack Instagram clone built with React.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and It features user authentication, real-time notifications, image uploads, likes, and comments, showcasing modern web development and real-time interactivity.
Xora is a modern SaaS landing page built with React.js and Tailwind CSS, focusing on mobile-first design and a sleek user experience. With smooth animations and a clean UI, Xora sets a benchmark for modern web design, serving as inspiration for future UI/UX-driven projects.